
World on a string: Breakthrough fiberoptic cable 2,500X faster than fastest internet

Imagine downloading your favorite flick in 31 thousandths of a second. Such insane internet speeds are now a reality, with researchers rolling out a 255 terabits per second fiberoptic network which could transport the entire Internet on a single cable. The cable, the joint effort of Dutch and US scientists, is 2,550 times faster than […]

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Researchers Expect Over 20 US Ebola Cases In Weeks, “You Don’t Want To Know Worst Case”

“We have a worst-case scenario, and you don’t even want to know,” warns Alessandro Vespignani, a researcher creating simulations of infectious disease outbreaks, but there could be as many as two dozen people in the U.S. infected with Ebola by the end of the month. The projections only run through October because it’s too difficult […]

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FBI director: iPhones shields pedophiles from cops

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) Apple’s new privacy features protect kidnappers, pedophiles and terrorists, according to FBI director James Comey. In an interview on CBS’ “60 Minutes” on Sunday, Comey said Apple’s encryption standards for iPhones and iPads “put people beyond the law.” Apple (AAPL, Tech30) recently took measures to enhance user privacy. Now, only users have […]

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Dallas Nurse Caught Ebola Because CDC Protocols Are Inadequate

Building Safer Protocols Isn’t Rocket Science … It’s Just Common Sense A nurse in Dallas has caught Ebola even though she was wearing full protective gear. The Centers for Disease Control says she must have broken protocol, or else she couldn’t have caught it.  Maybe she did … or maybe CDC assumptions are overly-optimistic. But […]

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