German Intelligence Clears Russia Of Election Interference

Submitted by Ray McGovern via The Strategic Culture Foundation, After a multi-month, politically charged investigation, German intelligence agencies could find no good evidence of Moscow-directed cyber-attacks or a disinformation campaign aimed at subverting the democratic process in Germany. Undaunted, Chancellor Angela Merkel has commissioned a new investigation. Last year, Berlin’s two main intelligence agencies, the BND and […]

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Is Trump the largest FX Trader in the world?

(GLOBALINTELHUB) –Trump met with Shinzo Abe friday, the famous inflationist Prime Minister of Japan.  The issue in question is if Trump will label Japan a ‘currency manipulator’ – whatever that means.  It seems to be the equivalent of ‘Currency Headwinds’ in publicly traded companies.  Because, every currency is manipulated!  The only currency in use today […]

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Trade is FX. Protecting USD status as the worlds reserve

(GLOBALINTELHUB.COM) 2/10/2017 — One of the most important points in the new “Trump System” of doing business, is that of the US Dollar, which currently is used by world’s central banks as their reserve.  Also, it’s used by peasants in many parts of the world including Russia – as an alternative to their domestic currency. […]

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Fake News for Fake People in an Engineered Fake Culture

America really is the land of the dreams.  Dreams, take many forms; hallucinations, nightmares, delusions, bad trips. Fake News is really descriptive; how about Fake culture, fake people, fake life.  Is America real?  You wouldn’t think there are people living here if you walk down most streets, all you see is cars, the occasional dog […]

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TRUMPED: Understanding Cognitive Biases in the Markets

(GLOBALINTELHUB) — 2/3/17 As investors and traders, if we want to be good at what we do, we need to be objective.  We can’t get emotional.  We all know this, but – it’s not easy!  Humans are emotional creatures and that’s why we trade algorithmic systems.  We want to make money, and not have huge losses. […]

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Fakewood EXPOSED: Where Fake News began

(GLOBALINTELHUB) – With the internet rife with “Fake News” – Fake Profiles, fake comments, and fake just about everything; let’s do what an intelligence analyst should do (that is, analyze and not just do whatever his client pays him to do).  And, the first step before collecting current information is to understand the history.  In […]

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GIH 2017 update

Global Intel Hub (GIH) now is 100% free.  With the recent revelation of ‘fake news’ in the media, Global Intel Hub is motivated to be a world leader in real intelligence.  Journalism has become tainted and few organizations maintain journalistic objectivity.  Intelligence agencies, produce intelligence for their government owners, private Intel agencies like Stratfor provide […]

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