
Neocon Nikki Haley the Dark Force Behind Trump’s Decertification of Iran Nuclear Deal?

Neocon Nikki Haley the Dark Force Behind Trump’s Decertification of Iran Nuclear Deal? by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Haley reportedly was Trump’s first choice for secretary of state, a war goddess Hillary clone, a Ziofascist, a recklessly dangerous neocon.  Her extremism makes her unqualified for any public position. She uses her […]

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Catalonia’s Moment of Truth Approaches

Catalonia’s Moment of Truth Approaches by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Catalan separatist parliamentarians and civic groups called on President Carles Puigdemont to formally declare independence from fascist Spain by 9:00AM local time Monday, according to the Spanish-language broadsheet El Confidencial, citing unnamed ruling party officials. They want the declaration to firmly […]

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World Response to Trump’s Deplorable Address on Iran

World Response to Trump’s Deplorable Address on Iran by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) His Friday address on decertifying the Iran nuclear deal was more clear proof he’s unfit for any public office. He’s an embarrassment to the high position he holds, a rogue leader, a menace as commander-in-chief of America’s military, […]

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Trump’s Decertification of Iran Nuclear Deal Unrelated to National Security

Trump’s Decertification of Iran Nuclear Deal Unrelated to National Security by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) On Friday, Trump’s address on decertifying, not abandoning, the Iran nuclear deal was an exercise in serial lying. More on his disgraceful remarks below. He wants the nuclear deal amended to include Iran’s ballistic missile program […]

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Palestinian Unity Government: Mission Impossible

Palestinian Unity Government: Mission Impossible by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Hamas and Fatah agreed in principle to unity government, details largely sketchy. Reportedly, the Palestinian Authority will control Gaza’s border crossing with Egypt. Legislative, presidential and national elections will be held within one year. Earlier unity deals collapsed. Consider the obstacles. […]

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Extremist Israelis Rampage Through East Jerusalem’s Old City

Extremist Israelis Rampage Through East Jerusalem’s Old City by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) According to Haaretz, hundreds of extremist youths rampaged “through the Old City from the Western Wall towards the Muslim Quarter.” They shouted inflammatory rhetoric, threatened homes and shops, threw rocks and smashed car windows – hooliganism unchallenged by […]

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Remarks by Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman

Remarks by Russia’s Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) On Thursday, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said 92% of Syrian territory was freed from (US-supported) ISIS control. In the past week alone, Russian airpower conducted 517 sorties, destroying over 1,260 facilities controlled by terrorists. Its operations along with Syria’s continue smashing […]

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Russia Using Pokomon Go to Sow Discord Among Americans?

Russia Using Pokemon Go to Sow Discord Among Americans? by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) CNN, the most “(un)trusted name in (television) news,” claimed it, another black mark on its sordid reporting – all rubbish all the time, featuring Russophobic content much of the time. Its latest on Thursday outrageously claimed Russia […]

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New US Rules of Engagement in Afghanistan Escalates Killing of Civilians

New US Rules of Engagement in Afghanistan Escalates Killing of Civilians by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The Pentagon is a killing machine, civilian men, women and children indiscriminately targeted in all US war theaters – massacred in cold blood. Defense Secretary Mattis changed the Pentagon’s rules of engagement in Afghanistan, indicating […]

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Congressional Disaster Relief Legislation Ignores Puerto Rico

Congressional Disaster Relief Legislation Ignores Puerto Rico by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Hurricanes Maria and Irma caused vast destruction in Puerto Rico, creating humanitarian crisis conditions for millions. Instead of massive amounts of vitally needed aid and debt relief, the Trump administration requested House and Senate members authorize a $4.9 billion […]

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