
Battle Lines Drawn in Catalonia

Battle Lines Drawn in Catalonia by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Things heated up Thursday morning. Madrid’s fascist Mariano Rajoy regime’s cabinet will meet Saturday. With parliamentary approval, it intends imposing direct rule over Catalonia, invoking Article 155 of Spain’s constitution, withdrawing the region’s autonomy – after its President Puigdemont failed to […]

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Israel’s War on Palestinian Media Freedom

Israel’s War on Palestinian Media Freedom by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)ee Israeli military censorship prohibits publishing anything about IDF high crimes against peace and daily persecution of Palestinians. Legitimate peaceful Palestinian demonstrations are banned for political reasons. Nonviolent resistance is suppressed, academic freedom endangered, children imprisoned for stone-throwing, media silenced for […]

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John McCain Given a Liberty Medal Instead of a Prison Sentence

John McCain Given a Liberty Medal Instead of a Prison Sentence by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) He’s a hawkish neocon extremist, supporting all US wars of aggression, backing its terrorist foot soldiers, last year posing for photo-ops with ISIS and al-Nusra commanders in Syria, including ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. Just […]

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US Flagrantly Breached Iran Nuclear Deal

US Flagrantly Breached Iran Nuclear Deal by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Unilateral US sanctions on Iran are illegal – including those imposed by Congress, the Obama and Trump administrations after the nuclear deal was agreed on – adopted on October 18, 2015, implemented on January 16, 2016. America can never be […]

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Netanyahu Rejects Conflict Resolution

Netanyahu Rejects Conflict Resolution by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Netanyahu, his predecessors, and other Israeli hardliners categorically reject conflict resolution, ending occupation harshness, affording Palestinians the same rights as Jews, along with PA/Hamas unity. He’s very clear on the latter, saying “(r)econcilation between Fatah and Hamas makes peace (he categorically rejects) […]

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Raqqa Raped and Destroyed, Not Liberated

Raqqa Raped and Destroyed, Not Liberated by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The so-called US-led coalition announced liberation of Raqqa left unexplained months of terror-bombing, the city raped and destroyed, not liberated as claimed. Thousands, maybe tens of thousands. of civilians were massacred in cold blood. US-led terror-bombing targeted residential areas, hospitals, […]

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Mass Solidarity in Barcelona

Mass Solidarity Rally in Barcelona by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Madrid’s fascist regime governs by aligning with America’s killing machine waging war on humanity, exploiting its own people, repressing them, beating up voters exercising their legitimate franchise, silencing dissent by closing web sites, and imprisoning its citizens for political reasons. Its […]

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Kansas Teacher Barred from Employment for Supporting BDS

Kansas Teacher Barred from Employment for Supporting BDS by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Barring longtime math teacher Esther Koontz from renewing her teaching contract, solely for her political beliefs, is a flagrant First Amendment violation. She righteously supports BDS activism, wanting Israel held accountable for its high crimes against Palestinians. Kansas […]

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Spain’s Political Dictatorship

Spain’s Political Dictatorship by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The Monday arrests of key Catalan separatist activists Jordi Sanchez and Jordi Cuixart made world headlines, sparking widespread outrage. Catalan President Puigdemont tweeted: “Spain jails Catalonia’s civil society leaders for organizing peaceful demonstrations. Sadly, we have political prisoners again.” Catalan parliament president Carme […]

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Republicans Dismiss Temporary Healthcare Subsidy Fix

Republicans Dismiss Temporary Healthcare Subsidy Fix by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) By executive order, Trump ended federal healthcare subsidies for low-income households, wanting Obamacare wrecked, part of Washington’s war on social justice. In fiscal year 2017, Washington paid around $7 billion to insurers for subsidies, according the the Congressional Budget Office […]

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