
What’s Next with US Withdrawal from JCPOA


What’s Next Following US Withdrawal from JCPOA

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Trump pulled out as expected, defying other P5+1 countries and the world community wanting the Iran nuclear deal preserved.

On April 30, Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) head Ali Akbar Salehi said the following:

“In terms of nuclear science, Iran has reached a level that if we fail to fulfill those promises that we gave to people upon signing the JCPOA, we will return to the past and a much better level” of nuclear activities, adding: 

“If we are saying that we are fully prepared to return to a level much higher than the past in the nuclear field, we are speaking based on realities.”

Days earlier, he said Iran’s response to Trump’s withdrawal would “startle” Washington.

In late April, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said “(w)e have put a number of options for ourselves and those options are ready, including options that would involve resuming at a much greater speed our nuclear activities.”

On Monday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said “(w)e are not worried about America’s cruel decisions…We are prepared for all scenarios and no change will occur in our lives next week,” adding:

“If we can get what we want from a deal without America, then Iran will continue to remain committed to the deal.” 

“What Iran wants is our interests to be guaranteed by its non-American signatories…In that case, getting rid of America’s mischievous presence will be fine for Iran.”

If Trump reimposes nuclear-related sanctions on the country, foreign companies will have 180 days to stop dealing with Tehran commercially and financially - especially aimed at cutting off purchases of Iranian oil.

Russia and China will continue their normal relations with Iran no matter what actions Trump takes.

If Britain, France, Germany and other EU countries observe illegal US sanctions, Iranian interests will be gravely harmed, not protected, the country likely to revert to pre-JCPOA nuclear activities, dooming the deal.

Key isn’t what actions Trump takes, it’s whether enough nations and their enterprises observe or reject them - a test for the international community.

Based on past history, things aren’t encouraging. It’ll likely be some weeks to see how events unfold ahead.

In the end, the JCPOA may not survive US rage against the Islamic Republic. Saving the deal faces strong headwinds.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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