
Western UK Allies Support the Skripal Incident Big Lie


Western UK Allies Support the Skripal Incident Big Lie

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

The March 4 father and daughter Skripal poisoning incident was almost certainly a joint US/UK intelligence operation - a false flag wrongfully blamed on Russia.

It’s inconceivable that Moscow had anything to do with it, unimaginable that Putin would have ordered it.

For what reason? What could the Kremlin possibly gain by poisoning two of its nationals in Britain?

Trump and May regime hardliners  benefitted greatly, gaining additional falsified red meat to vilify Russia and Vladimir Putin personally.

On Wednesday, May naming alleged Russian military intelligence (GRU) officials Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshiro responsible for the March 4 incident compounded the Big Lie.

On Thursday, Britain, the US, France, Germany and Canada issued a disgraceful joint statement, supporting what’s indisputably false, saying:

“We, the leaders of France, Germany, the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, reiterate our outrage at the use of a chemical nerve agent, known as Novichok, in Salisbury on 4 March.” 

“We have full confidence in the British assessment that the two suspects were officers from the Russian military intelligence service, also known as the GRU, and that this operation was almost certainly approved at a senior government level.”

Britain’s UN envoy Karen Pierce said new May regime sanctions on Russian may be imposed, Washington perhaps following suit.

Britain’s Foreign Office refused to reveal any information backing its earlier or latest Skripal incident accusations - because nothing credible exists to be revealed.

On Thursday, UK Security Minister Ben Wallace said the May regime will “use whatever means we have within the law (sic) and our capabilities (to) push back the Russian malign activity.”

They’ll likely be plenty of pushing despite nothing warranting it. UK accusations against Russia are baseless. Nothing remotely suggests they’re credible.

May was quoted saying she’ll “deploy the full range of tools from across our national security apparatus” to counter Russia.

UK media said tactics may include tougher sanctions, cyber attacks, increased espionage, and travel bans.

London’s Guardian said UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt “faces a daunting diplomatic challenge to persuade wary fellow EU member states to impose further sanctions against Russia.”

UK accusations against Moscow were clearly fabricated - not a shred of doubt about it. 

The Kremlin had nothing to do with whatever harmed the Skripals or involvement in numerous other false accusations since the February 2014 US-orchestrated coup in Ukraine, replacing democratic governance with fascist tyranny.

What’s going on is all about waging political and economic war on Russia, wanting the country weakened and isolated, risking far more serious consequences if Trump and May regime hardliners push things too far.

A Final Comment

On September 5, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the following in response to Britain’s latest phony Skripal incident accusations:

Without evidence or anything credible supporting them, “British officials…once again” falsely blamed the Kremlin for an incident it had nothing to do with.

“These steps follow the same pattern over and over. Russia receives unsubstantiated accusations while the accuser also declares its emphatic refusal to have any contact in order to establish the truth.” 

“Instead, we hear ridiculous demands that we clarify a situation that has nothing to do with us, as we have repeatedly stressed.”

Washington and Britain allied against Moscow. “Without producing any…evidence, they…compile(d) lists of ‘Russian agents’ to justify, one way or another, the witch hunt (they) started” long ago.

The May regime categorically refuses “to cooperate in establishing the (suppressed) truth.”

“One thing is clear: the so-called Skripal case instigated by the British officials is being brought to a deadlock on purpose.” 

“Instead of carrying out a genuinely independent, objective and transparent investigation into the Salisbury and Amesbury incidents, London stubbornly uses the anti-Russian speakerphone diplomacy and continues the propaganda show in the spirit of the notorious ‘highly likely.’ ”

During a Thursday Security Council session on the Skripal incident, Russia’s UN envoy Vasily Nebenzia called Britain’s accusations “a cocktail of lies,” adding:

“(W)e very much hoped that today we’d hear something convincing that sheds light on this mysterious incident.” 

“Unfortunately, our expectations were not met once again. “(W)e heard the same (discredited) lies” repeated.

“London (in cahoots with Trump regime hardliners) needs this story for just one purpose: to unleash…disgusting anti-Russia hysteria and…involve other countries” other to go along.

Russia is falsely blamed for an incident it had nothing to do with. Not a shred of credible evidence supports Britain’s bald-faced lies - backed by Western media scoundrels! 

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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