Weak-Kneed Russian Response to US Jerusalem Embassy Opening
by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org – Home – Stephen Lendman)
Trump’s moving of Washington’s embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, an international city, demands universal condemnation.
Not from Russia, notably not after Putin shamefully welcomed Ziofascist Netanyahu as an honored guest in Moscow for the 73rd Great Patriotic War triumph commemoration.
On Monday while Israeli soldiers were massacring Gazans, Russia failed to condemn it – nor Great Friday March of Return Friday mass-killings since March 30, nor moving Washington’s Israeli embassy to Jerusalem.
In April, Russia’s Foreign Ministry called Israeli use of force against Palestinians unacceptable, urging both sides to refrain from provocations heightening tensions, without condemning militarily powerful IDF harshness against defenseless Palestinians.
On Monday, Sergey Lavrov issued a weak-kneed statement, saying “(a)s the establishment of the US embassy in Jerusalem, we have many times expressed our negative view of this decision,” adding:
“We are confident that agreements enshrined in the global community’s decisions should be unilaterally revised in such a way.”
He falsely claimed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can only be resolved through direct negotiations by leaders from both sides, saying “Russia has many times suggested hosting a platform for such a dialogue. Our proposal is still on the table.”
Since establishment of the Jewish state in 1948, Israel never negotiated with Palestinians fairly.
During Madrid, Oslo, and subsequent talks, Israel made unacceptable demands, granting nothing in return – why the so-called peace process is a colossal hoax, a waste of time, dead-on-arrival each time initiated.
Palestinians are impotent in talks with militarily powerful Israel – ruthlessly all take and no give, why occupation harshness continues.
Israeli regimes reject Palestinian self-determination, wanting control over all valued Judea and Samaria land, Gaza blockaded for political reasons.
Neither Russia or other world powers have done anything to end Palestinian suffering – supporting Israel or at least failing to condemn its ruthlessness, ignoring its high crimes.
Palestinian rights, lives and welfare don’t matter. The world community fails to condemn Israeli viciousness strongly and unequivocally, demanding it be held accountable for high crimes too grave to ignore.
Palestinians are isolated on their own, struggling valiantly against a ruthless occupier, committing high crimes with impunity because the world community fails to stop them.
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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."