
Washington Urged to Bomb Iran


Washington Urged to Bomb Iran

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

On November 28, speaking at a Washington DC Forum on the nuclear threat in 2017 and global efforts to reduce the likelihood of their use, John Kerry said Israel, the Saudis and Egypt pushed the Obama administration to bomb Iran before the JCPOA nuclear deal was concluded.

Netanyahu was “genuinely agitating toward action,” Kerry stressed, hardly a surprise.

Iran is a sovereign independent state Washington doesn’t control, wanting its government replaced by a pro-Western one.

The Islamic Republic is Israel’s main regional rival, wanting it neutralized to advance its hegemonic ambitions – part of its longstanding plan (along with America) to redraw the Middle East map, including balkanizing its countries for easier control.

In 1982, Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs senior advisor Oded Yinon published a document titled “The Zionist Plan for the Middle East.”

It said for Israel to survive, it must dominate the region and become a world power.

Achieving its objective requires  dividing Arab nations into small states – balkanizing them along ethnic and sectarian lines, controlling them as Israeli satellites.

The idea was modeled after the Ottoman Empire’s millet system under which local authorities governed confessional communities with separate ethnic identities.

Israel’s strategy involves preemptive wars against targeted countries, weakening, fragmenting, dividing and reconfiguring them under its control, US involvement vital for success, Israel unable to go it alone.

The late Israel Shahak (1933 – 2001) explained “(t)he plan follow(ed) faithfully the geopolitical ideas current in Germany of 1890 – 1933, which were swallowed whole by Hitler and the Nazi movement, and determined their aims for East Europe.”

Yinon said “(t)he existence, prosperity and steadfastness of (Israel) depend(s) upon its ability to adopt a new framework for its domestic and foreign affairs.”

“All the Arab States east of Israel are torn apart, broken up and riddled with inner conflicts even more than those of the Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Mauritania, and Western Sahara).” 

All the Gulf states are “built upon a delicate house of sand in which there is only oil.” Jordan is Palestine, he said, Amman the same as Ramallah.

Regional “degeneration” must be exploited to serve Israeli interests. “(I)mmense opportunities for transforming the (region), and this we must do (to) survive as a state.”

Israel today operates by the same ideology Yinon advocated. Iraq under Saddam Hussein was eliminated as a regional rival.

Syria was supposed to be next. Russia’s intervention foiled Israel’s objective together with Washington’s. Regime change still remains their aim, the same one for Iran.

Israel is a regional menace, committed to eliminating Iranian sovereign independence and Hezbollah’s military capability.

It seeks US support in advancing its hegemonic objectives. It’s unclear if Trump will go along, despite his extreme hostility toward the Islamic Republic.

Had Hillary triumphed last November, war on Russia and Iran might have followed. During her 2008 presidential campaign, she urged “massive retaliation” if Iran attacked Israel, saying:

“I want the Iranians to know that if I’m president, we will attack Iran. In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them.”

Iran hasn’t attacked another country in centuries. It threatens none now – not Israel or any others.

Yet war to eliminate its sovereignty remains an ominous possibility, why it’s military strength is essential – for defense, not offense.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."