WaPo Urges One-Sided Toughness on North Korea
by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org – Home – Stephen Lendman)
Hours from the eve of Kim Jong-Un/Trump summit talks, the first ever between a sitting US president and North Korean leader with little reason to expect a positive outcome given earlier failures, the neocon/CIA house organ Washington Post called for tough talk with the DPRK, saying:
“The point is not to give North Korea endless time. But reversing an arms buildup is a serious industrial headache. It is fantasy to think that the North’s nuclear weapons (will) be loaded onto a cargo plane and flown away.”
WaPo urged total elimination of the complex apparatus required to produce nuclear weapons – from design bureaus to laboratories to fissile material, bombs, storage facilities, and everything else required for development and production.
WaPo: “Mr. Trump must demand that North Korea come clean about all its nuclear programs, as well as chemical and biological weapons research and development.”
“For a secretive police state, this is sure to be painful. Mr. Trump must also pay attention to the people. It is not possible to wipe out the knowledge and experience gained by engineers and scientists; extra attention should be given to making sure they do not spread the know-how, or resume the work in secret.”
“And absolutely essential are ironclad verification methods, so there is no forgotten plutonium discovered in a mountain later on.”
WaPo editors said nothing about what the Trump regime should bring to the table, nothing about security guarantees and other assurances Pyongyang justifiably seeks, nothing about negotiating in good faith, respecting DPRK sovereignty, lifting harsh sanctions, formally ending the 1950s war, along with instituting a new era of peace on the Korean peninsula.
Bilateral and multilateral talks only work when even-handed, when good faith is shown by participants, when all sides fulfill pledges made.
US history proves it can never be trusted. Nothing suggests it intends turning a new leaf in dealing with a nation 13 administrations in Washington have been hostile to since WW II ended.
Instead of calling for good faith, even-handed bilateral talks, WaPo urged toughness in dealing with North Korea – what’s sure to follow in summit and follow-up talks virtually certain to fail regardless of public comments by both sides.
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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."