
WaPo Calls for Punishing Putin


WaPo Calls for Punishing Putin

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

The Washington Post is a CIA house organ, masquerading as a broadsheet - a shameless, neocon-run operation, featuring propaganda, not real news and information.

Its editors urged the Trump administration to ally with Theresa May-led Tories in punishing Moscow - joining the baseless accusation crowd, embarrassing itself in the process, saying:

“THE USE of a military-grade Russian nerve agent in an attack inside Britain shows that Western governments are failing to deter…Vladi­mir Putin from increasingly audacious acts of aggression.” 

“The British government’s conclusion that it is ‘highly likely’ that Russia carried out the attempted assassination of a former spy and his daughter follows by weeks a military assault, backed by artillery and tanks, by Russian irregulars on US positions in Syria.” 

“That in turn follows Moscow’s attempts to interfere in multiple Western elections in recent months, and repeated incursions by Russian warplanes into Western airspace.”

Phew! All of the above in one foul breath - what even the uninformed should recognize as utter rubbish, not a speck of truth in any of it.

US and UK propaganda war rages at a fever pitch, the level of hysteria practically unprecedented, hugely dangerous ground risking potentially unthinkable consequences.

Yet it shows no signs of easing, just the opposite, fueled by reckless inflammatory media reports and opinions.

WaPo serves the CIA’s sinister agenda, a master of orchestrating false flags like Britain’s MI6 and Israel’s Mossad.

Clearly Skripal’s poisoning is the latest one - manufactured to outrageously blame Moscow for what it had nothing to do with, no motive, no possible reason for wanting to poison a former national or anyone else, especially with a Soviet-era nerve agent.

Use of it points fingers away from Russia, not on it. Toxic agents are a crude way or wanting someone eliminated. A bullet, bomb or slit throat accomplishes the task simply.

WaPo: “A concerted response by the Western alliance is needed” against Moscow.

Does WaPo have WW III in mind?

WaPo: (Alleged) use of novichik “means that Mr. Putin must have calculated that Russia would be identified as the author of the attack. Perhaps he wanted it that way.”

The arrogant insolence of the above remark warrants no response.

WaPo: “It is imperative that the United States support its closest ally when it has been subject to such extraordinary aggression.”

A litany of further Russia-bashing Big Lies followed.

Along with other media scoundrels, WaPo is a mouthpiece for America’s imperial agenda, its war on humanity, its reckless endangerment of life on earth.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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