US/Israeli Plot to Carve up the Middle East
by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)
Longstanding US/Israeli plans call for redrawing the Middle East map, replacing independent governments with pro-Western puppet regimes, balkanizing Iraq, Syria, Iran and other regional countries for easier control, looting their resources, and exploiting their people.
Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah warned that Israel, Washington and their rogue allies intend creating new regional chaos to continue what began with their support for ISIS and likeminded terrorists – Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Iran prime targets.
He fears Kurdish independence in Iraq may set off a chain reaction, leading to further regional conflicts, instigated by Israel, Washington and their regional allies.
“It will open the door to partition, partition, partition,” he believes, “taking the region to internal wars whose end and the time frame is known only to God.”
US endless wars currently rage, Iran especially a prime new battleground. US/Israeli regime change aims in Syria haven’t changed. The region is a hotbed of endless conflicts.
Kurdish independence is only a regional threat if Washington and Israel intend using it a pretext for escalating ongoing wars and/or launching new ones.
They threaten regional stability, not Kurdish independence, Nasrallah telling “our beloved Kurds that the issue is not about deciding your fate, but about dividing the region according to sectarian and ethnic belonging.”
“After the failure of the ISIS project, it’s now back to the project of dividing up the region, first from the area of Kurdish Iraq.”
“Daesh is at its end. It is a matter of time in Iraq and Syria. (It’s) incapable of regaining territory. The group is trying to exhaust the Syrian army in order to delay its end. However, this plan is ineffective because the decision to wipe out ISIL has been taken.”
“The people of this region bear the responsibility of confronting this scheme of the division. There should not be an ethnic bias between Arabs, Kurds or Iranians, the problem is not with Kurds, it’s political one.”
Syrian ground forces, greatly aided by Russian airpower, indeed are smashing ISIS and likeminded terrorist groups in Syria.
Washington didn’t wage war on the country to quit, or intend letting peace and stability break out in Iraq after decades of genocidal wars.
Advancing America’s imperium depends on waging endless wars of aggression – no end of them in sight, new ones waiting to be launched.
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