
US-Supported Terrorists Remain Active in Syria


US-Supported Terrorists Remain Active in Syria

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Conflict in Syria is far from over because Washington, Israel and their rogue allies want war and regime change, not peace and stability restored to the country.

On December 31, the Russian Kommersant broadsheet reported  terrorists attacked the Khmeimim airbase in Syria with mortar fire - the facility used by Russia’s Defense Ministry for aerial operations against anti-government terrorists.

Its report claimed four Sukhoi Su-24 bombers, two Sukhoi Su-35S fighter jets, one Antonov An-72 transport plane and an ammunition depot were destroyed, more than 10 servicemen injured - citing unnamed military and diplomatic sources.

On Thursday, Russia’s Defense Ministry refuted Kommersant’s report, calling it “fake news,” saying its combat readiness in Syria remains unchanged, explaining the mortar attack killed two Russian military personnel.

On Wednesday, the ministry said two pilots died in Syria when when their Mi-24 helicopter crashed, attributing the incident to a technical malfunction, not enemy fire.

Since intervening at Assad’s request in September 2015 to help combat ISIS and other terrorists, a reported 41 Russian military personnel were killed - martyrs in the war on US created and supported terrorism, their threat very much remaining.

According to Russia’s Vedomosti broadsheet, plans were approved to expand its Khmeimim airbase, located in Syria’s Latakia province.

It’ll house around 30 combat aircraft, including fighter planes, bombers and helicopters, along with extensive amounts of military hardware, sophisticated communication equipment, its state-of-the-art S-400 air defense system, and support ground personnel.

Russia’s goal remains eliminating the terrorist threat, restoring peace and stability to the country, preserving it, protecting Syria’s territorial integrity, and supporting the right of its people to decide who’ll lead them, free from foreign interference.

Separately on Lebanese al-Mayadeen TV, Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah said another year or two is needed to achieve conflict resolution in Syria.

Assad will remain in office until his seven-year term is completed in 2021, he believes, adding he may choose to run for reelection at that time - certain to win overwhelmingly if he wants to remain Syria’s president.

“Hezbollah’s withdrawal from Syria is linked to the outcome of the war,” said Nasrallah, stressing “the main factor in the victory is the Syrians themselves, led by President Assad and his cohesive team.”

Syrian and allied forces continue making significant progress in combatting the scourge of terrorism in the country.

Washington’s imperial project suffered a significant body blow. It’s down in Syria, by no means not out.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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