
US-Supported Terrorists Planning False Flag CW Attacks in Syria


US-Supported Terrorists Planning False Flag CW Attacks in Syria

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

A previous article quoted Russian Chief of General Staff Gen. Valery Gerasimov, saying the US is planning a false flag CW attack, blamed on Syria, as a pretext to strike its forces in East Ghouta.

“According to reports, after the false flag attack, the US plans to accuse the Syrian government troops of using chemical weapons, and to provide the world community with the so-called ‘evidence’ of the alleged mass death of civilians at the hands of the Syrian government and ‘Russia supporting it,’ Gerasimov explained, adding:

The Pentagon then “plans to launch a missile strike on the government-held districts of Damascus.”

On March 17, Russia’s Defense Ministry said “US instructors” are training terrorists to stage a false flag CW attack in southern Syria to be blamed on government forces as a pretext for Pentagon warplanes to strike them.

During a Saturday press briefing, Russian General Staff spokesman General Sergey Rudskoy said the following:

“Early in March, the saboteur groups were deployed to the southern de-escalation zone to the city of Deraa, where the units of the so-called (terrorist-infested, anti-government) Free Syrian Army are stationed.”

“They are preparing a series of chemical munitions explosions. This fact will be used to blame the government forces.” 

“The components to produce chemical munitions have been already delivered to the southern de-escalation zone under the guise of humanitarian convoys of a number of NGOs.”

“The provocations will be used as a pretext by the United States and its allies to launch strikes on military and government infrastructure in Syria.”

“We’re registering the signs of the preparations for the possible strikes. Strike groups of the cruise missile carriers have been formed in the east of the Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf and Red Sea.”

A second false flag CW attack is planned in Idlib province - al-Nusra terrorists together with White Helmets involved.

According to Rudskoy, 20 containers of toxic chlorine were delivered to carry out the attack - two high-profile false flag CW attacks to get wide media scoundrel coverage.

Key is how Russia will respond. America and its rogue partners play hard ball. 

Handing them a taste of their own medicine is essential - the only language Washington understands.

Warnings without action encourages the US and its rogue partners to do what they please.

Slapping them down forcefully is vital to show Russia no longer will tolerate their aggression. Anything less encourages more.

A Final Comment

On Saturday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said “(n)o one, but the people who have classified all the information in the United Kingdom, are aware of (Sergey Skripal’s) condition.”

It’s unclear if he’s seriously ill or well. “No one knows where he is.” Russia was told nothing about the alleged poisoning incident.

Did it actually occur? If so, where are verified medical reports explaining his condition?

Nothing was publicly revealed, just UK government statements without proof.

Separately, Sergey Lavrov accused Washington, Britain and France, and other rogue states of using special forces in Syria, aiding anti-government terrorists. 

Russia is doing nothing to counteract them other than staying in contact with US commanders accomplishing nothing.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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