
US/Israeli Terror-Bombing Syrian Targets


US/Israeli Terror-Bombing Syrian Targets

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

So-called Pentagon-led Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve warplanes continue bombing Syrian and Iraqi sites on the phony pretext of combatting ISIS Washington created and supports.

In its latest July 2 report, the US war department reported “29 strikes, consisting of 39 engagements, in Iraq and Syria.”

Attacking these and other sovereign countries constitutes naked aggression, a US specialty, endless wars raging in multiple theaters - the Trump regime more lawlessly militant than its predecessors.

Israel remains aggressive in unlawfully striking Syrian sites, its attacks unprovoked, invented pretexts used as justification.

The latest incident occurred on July 6. One or more Israeli warplanes targeted Khan Arnebeh village in southwestern Quneitra province - part of the Netanyahu regime’s undeclared war on Syria in cahoots with US aggression.

Throughout years of war, Syrian and allied forces never threatened Israeli territory or security.

Netanyahu regime claims otherwise were and remain bald-faced lies. The IDF falsely claimed its Friday attack on Syria responded to a mortar shell striking near illegally occupied Golan.

Syria’s military denied any mortar or other shells fired near Israeli territory. The IDF invents phony pretexts to continue waging war on the country - allied with Washington for regime change, a battle both countries are losing.

On Thursday, Israel’s Ziofascist public security minister Gilad Erdan warned Syrian forces against entering an area “meant to be demilitarized” in its own territory. Israel attacks it at its discretion, again on Friday.

The IDF enhanced its military presence in Golan along the Syrian border. According to Erdan, “Israel will take action” if government forces enter their own territory the Netanyahu regime wants them excluded from.

On Friday, an IDF statement lied, claiming it’s “not involved in the internal fighting in Syria.”

Israel supports ISIS and other terrorists in the country, supplying them with arms and other military support, along with treating their wounded in field hospitals.

The US/NATO/Israeli axis represents Syria’s greatest threat. Reportedly, IDF and Pentagon warplanes illegally overfly southwest Syria round-the-clock daily - ready to strike whenever pretexts are invented for attacks.

Chances for US/Israeli aggression against Syrian forces increase as they continue liberating areas bordering Jordan, Iraq and occupied Golan - heading toward regaining full control of the country’s southwest.

Separately, AMN News reported another attempted attack on Russia’s Khmeimim airbase in Syria, saying:

“(S)everal armed drones” targeted the base. Russia’s air defense system “intercepted 

(them) before they could hit any targets inside the” airbase.

US-supported terrorists were behind the latest attack and previous ones. Drones were supplied by Washington and other Western sources.

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].


My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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