
Unverified CW Attacks Falsely Blamed on Syria


Unverified CW Attacks Falsely Blamed on Syria

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

On Thursday, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) cited unnamed “informed sources,” saying another CW attack by (US-supported) terrorists appears imminent - amid “feverish attempts” by Washington and France at the Security Council to target Syria.

They’re frantic over the routing of terrorists in East Ghouta by government forces, steady progress being made to liberate the enclave.

At the request of France and Britain, a March 7 closed-door Security Council session was held on Syria.

A press statement after the session called for implementing SC Res. 2401 - observed by government forces and Russia - flagrantly breached by Washington, its imperial partners, Turkey, and US-supported terrorists.

On Wednesday, Assad’s senior political and media advisor Bouthaina Shaaban said false accusations by France and Britain against Damascus are detached from reality - part of a disinformation campaign to counter significant Syrian army gains against US-supported terrorists in East Ghouta.

Damascus will continue combating terrorists until they’re eliminated, peace restored to the country, she stressed, adding:

“We didn’t hear western condemnation of the continued” Damascus countryside shelling by terrorists, “nor the martyrdom of innocent civilians by the Turkish regime forces in Afrin or the besieged Kefarya and al-Fou’a towns in the countryside of Idlib.”

UN human rights and other world body officials lost credibility for reporting disinformation on Syria, Shaaban explained.

Days earlier, Trump administration Defense Secretary Mattis, National Security Advisor McMaster, and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly warned of attacking Syrian forces in response to alleged CW attacks by Syrian forces.

Throughout the war, all toxic agent attacks were carried out by US-supported terrorists - no credible evidence suggesting any by government or allied forces.

On March 6, the al-Qaeda-linked White Helmets accused government troops of using chlorine gas in East Ghouta, injuring 30 people - a bald-face lie.

If a toxic agent attack occurred, it was carried out by elements White Helmets support.

On Thursday, Al Jazeera disinformation accused Syria of using “phosphorous bombs” against “rebels” (aka terrorists) in Hamorya, saying France “warn(ed) of action if the reports of chemical attacks are proven true.”

According to Russian reconciliation center spokesman General Yury Yevtushenko, terrorists in East Ghouta continue firing mortar rounds and rockets at Damascus residential areas.

At least 13 people were killed, scores more wounded, including women and children. So far, 17 Syrians escaped from East Ghouta, risking their lives to flee.

Reports by Western media and Al Jazeera are entirely one-sided, blaming Syria and Russia for high crimes committed by US-supported terrorists.

Separately, Sergey Lavrov slammed Washington for interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, pursuing “neo-imperialist ambitions,” blaming Russia and other countries for its reckless behavior.

A Final Comment

US-supported terrorists in East Ghouta attacked a convoy of 300 civilians trying to flee to government controlled territory via Russia’s humanitarian corridor.

Areas where they were heading were also shelled. It’s unclear if casualties occurred. Three cars were reportedly destroyed, perhaps causing deaths and injuries.

Anyone trying to leave captivity risks death or capture and severe punishment, including their family members.

Russia offered East Ghouta terrorists safe passage with families and light arms if agreed to evacuate the enclave for elsewhere in Syria. So far they refused.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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