
Unprecedented Russophobia


Unprecedented Russophobia

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

The road to war is paved with ill intentions, fueled by bombarding the public with inflammatory propaganda.

It works the same way all the time, notably in the digital age - government officials and supportive media scoundrels reporting a one-sided narrative, demonizing Russia over the Skripal, convincing most people of what’s clearly untrue.

On Rossiya-1 television, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova blasted what’s going on, saying:

“The baculine discipline in the European Union…We know it only too well who is behind the European Union: (US-dominated) NATO is behind the European Union.” 

“The European Union is (a CIA-created) political construct, with the powerful North Atlantic Alliance being behind it.”

Their “task (is) demoniz(ing) Russia, and what we are witnessing now is part of a long-term program of unbridled Russophobia.” 

“It is a matter of not only Russia as a country. It is a matter of Russians and the Russian people.”

It’s a US/UK-orchestrated conspiracy, Zakharova stressed, adding:

“There will be a response to everything…Appropriate measures will be taken on each country, both regarding the expulsion of diplomats and the closure of the Russian Consulate General in Seattle.”

“Were it not these figures today, one could continue guessing about the causes of this devilish performance staged by the UK or about the real beneficiary of the whole situation set up on the territory of the UK the powerful forces domiciled in the US and Britain.”

“Quite naturally we realized after the EU summit what was in the offing, and quite naturally we braced ourselves for it.”

Russia’s Defense Ministry’s scientific center/chemical and analytical control head Igor Rybalchenko explained the alleged Skripal incident A-234 nerve agent was developed in America, not Russia, saying:

“The fact is that back in 1998 when we looked through another version of the spectral library, which was published by the National Bureau of Standards of the United States (NBS), we found a substance there that we found interesting since it was an organophosphorus substance.” 

“And we realized that it must have a strong lethal effect. Now it turns out that, judging by the name of this substance, it was just the same nerve agent, A-234,” adding:

The toxin was added to America’s database by the US Army Armament Research and Development Center.

“The chemical name of this substance is A234 and was named ‘Novichok’ by Boris Johnson as a substance available in (Britain’s) Porton Down laboratory.”

Dark forces in Washington and Britain are responsible for the Skripal incident, not Russia, as falsely claimed.

I’ve written extensively on the Russophobic conspiracy since the incident was first reported - plenty more to come as developments warrant.

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].


My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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