
Undemocratic Dems’ Counter-Memo to What Nunes Released Lays an Egg


Undemocratic Dems’ Counter-Memo to What Nunes Released Lays an Egg

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

Earlier I explained Devin Nunes’ four-page memo contained bombshell information.

It revealed witch-hunt Russiagate FISA abuses, a FISA court warrant unjustifiably obtained – based on unverified rubbish in former MI6 spy Christopher Steele’s dodgy dossier on Trump.

His work was funded by Hillary and the DNC to denigrate him during the 2016 presidential campaign, continuing once in office – serious offenses demanding accountability.

It tried smearing him with specious, unproved allegations of improper or illegal connections to Russia – including phony accusations of Russian US election meddling.

On Saturday, Nunes responded to Rep. Adam Schiff’s-drafted Dem counter-memo, saying it failed to invalidate any information included in his own memo.

“What you’re not going to see is anything that actually rejects what was actually in our memo,” Nunes stressed, adding:  

“What you basically will read in the Democratic (sic) memo is they are advocating that it is okay for the FBI and DOJ to use for political dirt paid for by one campaign and use it against the other campaign.”

“The American people now clearly understand that the FBI used political dirt paid for by the Democratic (sic) Party to spy on an American citizen from the Republican Party.” 

“Furthermore, the FISA court was (willfully) misled,” requested to issue a surveillance warrant for unjustifiable reasons.

Schiff turned truth on its head, saying his memo “should put to rest any concerns that the American people might have as to the conduct of the FBI, the Justice Department and the” FISA court.

Claiming “FBI and DOJ officials did not ‘abuse’ the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act process, omit material information, or subvert this vital tool to spy on the Trump campaign” is a bald-faced lie.

FISA applications and related documents were requested by the House Intelligence Committee, House and Senate Judiciary Committees and Judicial Watch (JD), among other parties.

A JD statement said the following:

The House Intelligence Committee memo “makes a compelling case that the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) court was misled and severely abused by top officials in the Justice Department and FBI.” 

“Rather than relying upon dueling summary memos from Republicans and Democrats, the American people should be able to see for themselves the details of how the Obama administration officials (and Rod Rosenstein of the Trump administration) justified spying on the Trump team.”

JD filed an FOIA lawsuit against the Justice Department for FBI documents relating to the FISA warrant application.

“Let’s be clear about what is at stake here,” it said. 

“The memo shows that” former FBI director James Comey, other top bureau officials, and Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein “misled the FISA court,” JD adding:

The Steel dossier was a “salacious and unverified document paid for by Hillary Clinton and the” DNC to delegitimize Trump and denigrate Russia.

Yet it was unjustifiably used to obtain a FISA warrant. Without it, none would have been issued.

“Which means there was no Russia collusion story without the dossier. Which means there could have been no Mueller special counsel without the Clinton-financed anti-Russia dossier.”

“From what we know publicly, this may be the worst government abuse scandal in a generation – which makes it urgent (for) the Justice Department (to) stop stonewalling the release of the FISA documents.”

Strong language demanding accountability unlikely to be forthcoming.

Mueller’s unjustifiable Russiagate witch-hunt investigation has no credibility. 

If most Americans understood what’s going on, public sentiment overwhelmingly would demand it be terminated straightaway.

Indictments from his investigation have nothing to do with Trump or Russia. He was appointed to probe possible improper or illegal ties between Trump’s team and the Kremlin.

After months of work since last May, he found nothing. No evidence suggests anything to be found.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."