
Turkish Aggression in Syria Massacring Children


Turkish Aggression in Syria Massacring Children

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Ankara lied claiming its military operation in northern Syria is doing everything possible to avoid civilian casualties.

Just the opposite! Turkish forces are massacring them in cold blood, notably children, according to UNICEF’s representative in Syria Fran Equiza.

On Friday, she issued a statement, asking: “Is the world becoming numb to the killing of children in Syria?”

She highlighted the “grim tally” of children massacred in Syria in recent days alone. Ruthless slaughter has been ongoing for years - US-supported terrorists and Pentagon-led “coalition” terror-bombing responsible for the carnage.

Equiza explained “UNICEF received alarming reports of at least eleven children killed and many more injured in ongoing violence in Afrin district, north-west Syria.”

“In neighboring Idlib, at least nine children were reportedly killed in the past week alone in attacks on the towns of Saraqab and Khan Shaykhoun.” 

“In Damascus, three children were killed in an attack in the Bab Touma area of the Old City. According to reports, the attack on 22 January, the heaviest on Damascus in weeks, occurred as children were leaving school” - US-supported terrorists responsible.

“In Afrin, families are fleeing to other areas within the district, seeking protection in camps already crowded with over 125,000 previously displaced people, living in shockingly difficult conditions and exposed to harsh winter weather.” 

“People attempting to flee the area in search of safety have reportedly been prevented from leaving Afrin.” 

“Violence is reported to be so intense that families are confined to the basements of their buildings.” 

“The majority of shops are closed, and UNICEF-supported child protection services, including a child-friendly space and psychosocial support activities, had to be suspended.”

“Wars have laws and these laws are being broken every single day in Syria” - by Washington, its rogue partners, and US-supported terrorists. 

Children suffer most from “unprecedented destruction, displacement and death. They have lost lives, homes and childhoods. Enough is enough” - not as long as Washington wants endless war and regime change.

In Afrin and nearby areas, Turkish forces are largely responsible for the carnage, massacring civilians indiscriminately, its campaign like US terror-bombing, defenseless civilians harmed most, including children.

Ankara’s operation began on January 19. Cross-border shelling was followed by terror-bombing and invasion of Turkish and so-called (anti-Assad) Free Syrian Army (FSA) forces.

Erdogan vowed to expand the campaign from Afrin to US-controlled Manbij. It’s inconceivable that he’d engage US forces in combat.

The operation is open-ended. It could continue for some time, the human toll of no consequence to aggressors. Syria alone condemned it.

The world community failed to act responsibly, never against US and Israeli wars of aggression.

Separately in Vienna at a UN meeting, Syrian UN envoy Bashar al-Jaafari accused Washington of supporting ISIS, saying:

“How can a country like the United States, which has given birth to Islamic State, which has been supporting and defending Islamic State, which continues to fight for Islamic State, a country, which has been violating Syria’s sovereignty by its military presence in our country and negating international laws and conventions, how can a country, which has the blood of the Syrian people on its hands, speak about a political solution and Syria’s future?”

He commented ahead of the Monday and Tuesday National Dialogue Congress in Sochi, Russia - all parties committed to conflict resolution invited to attend.

On Friday, spokesman Firas al-Kaldi for US/Saudi-backed terrorists comprising the so-called High Negotiations Committee tweeted:

“The Syrian negotiation commission of revolutionary and opposition forces declares boycott of the congress in Sochi called by Russia for January 29-30.”

Like Washington, NATO, Riyadh, Israel and their rogue allies, they want endless war and regime change, not diplomatic conflict resolution.

Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said dialogue in Sochi is an important initiative toward restoring peace and stability to Syria.

He explained “many issues (remain) to be solved and a lot of obstacles to be overcome” - not possible without opposition participation and US rage for war.

As of Saturday, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres hasn’t committed to come. It’s unclear if Washington will attend, as an observer only if involved.

After seven years of US aggression, conflict resolution in Syria remains out of reach, despite Russia’s all-out good faith efforts to restore peace to the country.

The problem lies in Washington. Like Obama, Trump wants endless war and regime change. Conflict won’t end as long as this agenda is pursued.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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