
Trump’s Low Approval Rating


Trump’s Low Approval Rating

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

If January 30 was election day in America, Trump would likely lose overwhelmingly to an undemocratic Dem opponent.

His approval rating is at or around its lowest point since taking office, the 35-day partial government shutdown largely responsible for dropping it below its usual sub-50% level. Most polls have him in the high 30s to mid-40s range.

Starting this month, Gallup will report on public sentiment about him monthly. As of January 10, his job approval stood at 37%, based on its survey results.

A new AP News/NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll has his approval at 34% compared to 42% in December.

A minority 44% approve of how he’s handling the economy. Last fall it was nearly 50%. A slim 14% of registered Dems approve of his economic policies - favoring monied interests exclusively, at the expense of ordinary Americans, the great GOP tax cut heist in December 2017 the most glaring example.

Most registered Republican voters support him. Only a third of voters approve of his immigration and border security policies, according to the AP/NORC poll.

Two-thirds of respondents disapprove of how he’s handling special council Mueller’s Russiagate witch hunt probe.

It proves the power of propaganda can get most people to believe almost anything no matter how false or illegal if it’s drummed into their heads enough - mainly by major media sticking to the official narrative.

A new ABC News/Washington Post poll showed 56% of Americans would definitely not vote for Trump in 2020, only 28% definitely supporting him. One-third of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents prefer someone other than LT to be party's 2020 standard bearer

An NPR/PBS/Marist Poll found 57% of respondents saying they’ll oppose him in 2020. A December NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found 23% of Americans saying they’ll definitely vote for Trump in 2020, 39% definitely for a Dem candidate.

A Fox News poll last month found 38% of respondents saying they’ll definitely support Trump in 2020, 55% definitely for someone else.

A December CNN poll found Americans intending to vote in Dem primary elections favor Joe Biden over other aspirants - two-time loser, hugely unpopular Hillary not included among those selected from.

Will she or won’t she run in 2020? Last November, the Wall Street Journal said she’ll reinvent herself as a “liberal firebrand,” polar opposite her true persona, and run again.

A Wall Street/military, industrial, security, media complex favorite, she’s as hawkishly belligerent as Trump regime hardliners, along with supporting most everything hostile to the public welfare.

Will running again elevate her to the nation’s highest office or make her a three-time loser? Trump’s unpopularity shows he faces an uphill reelection struggle.

America is a one-party state with two extremist right wings - the war party. No matter who wins the nation’s highest office and key congressional posts, ordinary people lose - dirty business as usual triumphing over peace, equity and justice every time.

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].


My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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