
Trump Regime Demands Turkey Cancel Purchase of Russian S-400 Air Defense Missiles


Trump Regime Demands Turkey Cancel Purchase of Russian S-400 Air Defense Missiles

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Palestinian/American scholar/activist Edward Said once said “(e)very empire…tells itself and the world that it is unlike all other empires, that its mission is not to plunder and control but to educate and liberate” - propaganda reinforcing the message, adding:

The “imperial perspective…see(s) people (of other countries) as subjects whose fate (is) decided by what distant administrators think is best for them” - promoting the notion “that imperialism is a benign and necessary thing.”

Wars are waged in the name peace imperial powers revile, nations and people dominated for their own good, plunder called economic development, elimination of national sovereignty called liberation.

Might justifies right. Wealth and power alone matter, the human cost of no consequence. Imperial rampaging masquerades as democracy building - a notion US imperialists tolerate nowhere, especially at home.

The scourge of imperial arrogance threatens everyone everywhere. The US seeks to impose its will over all other countries, wanting sovereign independent governments eliminated.

It’s what wars of aggression, color revolutions, and old-fashioned coups are all about. The US threatens allies and adversaries alike.

The Trump regime demands Turkey cancel its planned purchase of Russian S-400 air defense missiles.

Technologically superior to US long-range surface-to-air Patriot missiles, nothing in the West matches their effectiveness.

S-400s can destroy multiple hostile aircraft, ballistic missiles, and other aerial targets up to 250 miles away at high and low altitudes. 

China was Russia’s first foreign buyer, its military saying it “saw that the S-400 system by its capabilities today is unparalleled in the world in its armament class.”

It’s able to overcome heavy enemy fire and electronic countermeasures. In 2017, Turkey contracted with Russia to buy S-400s.

Last month, President Erdogan affirmed the contract, saying deliveries of the air defense systems are formalized, adding purchase of Russian S-500s may follow when they’re available next year.

After meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov last Friday, Turkish Foreign Minister Melvet Cavusoglu said the following:

“The contract with Russia on S-400s remains in force and these defensive systems will be delivered to Turkey.” 

“(T)alks on this issue are underway. We are not going to sell S-400s to third countries. We do not need this as we are acquiring them for our own needs.” 

In 2017, Turkey made an advance payment for the systems to Moscow, deliveries expected in July. 

Last year, US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wess Mitchell warned Turkey, saying “(w)e made it clear that if (Erdogan) buys S-400s, there will be consequences.” 

“We will introduce sanctions within the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA). Delivering F-35 combat aircraft Ankara contracted for may be halted.”

On Monday, the US halted deliveries of F-35 parts and equipment to Turkey, an unnamed Trump regime official, saying:

“Pending an unequivocal Turkish decision to forgo the delivery of the S-400, deliveries and activities associated with the stand-up of Turkey's F-35 operational capability have been suspended while our dialogue on this important matter continues with Turkey.”

Last week, undemocratic Dem Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Chris Van Hollen, along with Republicans James Lankford and Thom Tillis, introduced legislation to ban the sale of F-35 warplanes to Turkey unless it cancels purchases of Russian S-400s, Shaheen saying:

“The prospect of Russia having access to US aircraft and technology in a NATO country, Turkey, is a serious national and global security risk,” Lankford adding:

“Turkey is an important NATO ally and willing partner in addressing a number of US national security priorities. It’s concerning that Turkey would seek close defense cooperation with Russia, whose authoritarian ruler (sic) seeks to undermine NATO and US interests at every turn (sic).”

Parts of the F-35 aircraft’s fuselage, landing gear, and cockpit displays are made in Turkey. Its government showed interest in the Patriot system, not at the expense of abandoning purchase of Russian S-400s.

Russia’s most advanced 5th generation Su-57 aircraft matches or exceeds the capabilities of the Pentagon’s F-35 at a fraction of the cost per plane - about $40 to $45 compared to well over $100 million for the overpriced US aircraft.

Sukhoi United Aircraft Corporation’s head developer Mikhail Strelets said the US F-22 wasn’t designed to strike ground targets like the Su-57, calling the Russian aircraft more versatile to the F-22 and F-35.

According to Russia’s Rostec corporation, the Su-57 and other advanced Russian aircraft have innovative glass coatings, saying:

“It doubles radar wave absorption and reduces the aircraft cockpit’s radar signature by 30%. Currently, the coating is applied to the canopy of T-50 (Su-57 aircraft since August 2017), Su-30, Su-34, Su-35, MiG-29K and Tu-160 planes.”

The coating reduces visibility to hostile radar and protects pilots from ultraviolet, thermal and other potential harm.

The Su-57 is designed to destroy all types of long and short-range air, ground, and naval targets, overcoming air defense capabilities to successfully complete their missions.

Rostec’s Viktor Kladov said Putin may approve sales to foreign buyers of the Su-57E, a variant of the 5th generation Su-57. Turkey expressed interest in the aircraft if Washington halts deliveries of F-35s.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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