Trump to Present His No-Peace/Peace Plan?
by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)
The historical record is clear. Washington and Israel deplore peace and stability – notions undermining their imperial agenda.
If both countries wanted resolution of longstanding conflict with Palestinians, it would have happened long ago.
Former Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Shamir explained why not. He wanted forever talks accomplishing nothing – giving Israel time to steal all valued Palestinian land.
Other Israeli leaders felt the same way. Since 1967, variations of Yigal Allon’s plan reflect official Israeli policy. Elements include:
• permanent militarized occupation;
• maximum land with minimum Arabs;
• dispossessing Palestinians from areas Israel wants exclusively for Jews;
• annexing all valued parts of Judea and Sumaria;
• controlling Jerusalem as Israel’s exclusive capital;
• establishing settlements, military bases, free-fire zones, commercial locations, tourist sites, nature reserves, no-go areas, Jews-only roads, checkpoints, other barriers, and other exclusive Jewish areas;
• stealing Palestinian resources; and
• cracking down harshly on resisters.
This agenda makes peace unattainable. It’s always been out-of-reach since Israel’s creation – impossible to achieve given Trump’s contempt for Palestinian rights and welfare.
According to Israel’s Channel 10, Trump may reveal his (no-peace) peace plan – even if PA officials reject talks with Washington involved.
According to an unnamed US official, “all the relevant countries that support a peace agreement are still waiting for our plan. They want to work with us and they understand that there is no substitute for the United States as mediator.”
Peace is unattainable with US involvement. The same goes for Israel. Neither country negotiates. They demand.
They break promises made. They can never be trusted. Their record proves it – violating international agreements unaccountably.
In Davos, Trump lied, claiming to have “a great proposal for the Palestinians.” From what’s known, it proposes Abu Dis village for a future Palestinian capital, not Jerusalem.
His proposal isn’t a peace plan. It’s a prescription for endless conflict, chaos, and denial of fundamental rights for a long-beleaguered people.
It assures continued occupation harshness under Israeli militarized control. It calls for dividing the West Bank into three sections, along with establishing Gaza as an autonomous area, maintaining illegal blockade, or forcing a PA takeover of the territory.
During his weeks earlier visit to Saudi Arabia, crown prince Mohammed bin Salman presented Abbas with the idea of Palestinian statehood without sovereignty.
He proposed a pseudo-state without Jerusalem, surrounded by expanding settlements on stolen Palestinian land, an entire population ghettoized, including by Israel’s apartheid wall, diaspora Palestinians having no right of return.
Trump, Netanyahu and bin Salman are in cahoots against Palestinians. No responsible leadership would accept their deplorable scheme – amounting to continued militarized occupation and subjugation, not liberation.
On Tuesday, Trump’s international negotiator Jason Greenblatt addressed Israel’s annual Institute for National Strategic Studies conference.
He lied claiming “(t)he United States is as committed as ever to reaching an agreement that guarantees a peaceful prosperous future for both Israelis and Palestinians,” adding:
“That’s why this administration continues to work on developing a peace plan that can bring both parties to the table.”
In 1948, Israel stole 78% of historic Palestine, taking the rest in June 1967, Palestinians remaining subjugated for over half a century, no end of their suffering in propect.
Trump’s no-peace/peace plan calls for maintaining status quo harshness while pretending otherwise.
It demands unconditional Palestinian surrender to Israeli demands. It wants what no responsible leadership would accept.
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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."