
Trump Wants Kushner and Ivanka Out of Washington


Trump Wants Kushner and Ivanka Out of Washington

by Stephen Lendman ( Home – Stephen Lendman)

According to Vanity Fair, citing two unnamed Republicans, Trump is “frustrated with (son-in-law Jared) Kushner’s political advice in his capacity of senior advisor to the president, including his encouragement to back losing Alabama GOP candidate Luther Strange and to fire FBI Director James Comey, which Kushner denies.”

Trump urged Kushner and daughter Ivanka (first daughter and advisor to the president) to return to New York, “pressuring them to go,” according to an unnamed source.

He wants them out of the White House spotlight to avoid negative news coverage. They’re being investigated as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s witch-hunt Russiagate probe.

Reportedly, Trump told Ivanka: “Baby, you’re getting killed. This is a bad idea,” other White House staffers witnessing his comment, according to Vanity Fair.

Kushner’s influence is waning, Vanity Fair saying White House chief of staff John Kelly “clipped his wings” – under a system he instituted, requiring everyone go through him to see the president, including family members for official business.

Kelly reportedly was angered over Kushner’s trip to Saudi Arabia, meeting with crown prince Muhammad bin Salman (MBS) days before his power grad, arresting hundreds of princes, ministers and business figures, making it appear the White House involved with orchestrating what happened.

In June, MBS ousted his predecessor, gaining control over Riyadh’s military, security and economic portfolios, becoming crown prince, the next Saudi king when his father steps down, expected any time because of his age and ill-health.

Trump expressed approval of MBS’ power grab, tweeting: “I have great confidence in King Salman and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, they know exactly what they are doing.” 

“Some of those they are harshly treating have been ‘milking’ their country for years!”

Reportedly, Kushner and Ivanka are steering clear of chief of staff Kelly as much as possible since he established control over White House operations, including scheduling and daily activities.

According to knowledgeable legal experts, Kushner failed to list all foreign contacts he’s had on his national security clearance forms, nor a full account of his financial holdings and dealings.

Washington is no place for anyone wishing to maintain a low profile – nor New York for prominent figures like Trump and his family members since he entered the presidential sweepstakes. 

Since elected, he’s been hounded by media scoundrels more than any other US president in memory, Kushner and Ivanka taking their share of criticism.

According to Vanity Fair, quoting an unnamed source close to the Trumps, Kushner and Ivanka are “in a world of s..t.”

He may seem cool, but he’s sweating, and she’s like her father. She’ll never acknowledge it and (will) blame the media. But she’s been working on her reputation forever, and now it’s going to suffer horrifically. And for what?” 

Life in the Washington fishbowl has lots of minuses when things don’t go as planned and media coverage is negative.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."