
Trump Invites Putin to Washington


Trump Invites Putin to Washington

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

The notion of Trump and Putin getting along well together has bipartisan Russophobes infesting Washington and media scoundrels in an uproar.

The US needs invented Russian, Chinese, Iranian, and other sovereign independent state adversaries to justify spending countless trillions of dollars on militarism, along with waging endless war of aggression.

According to RT on Tuesday, Putin received Trump’s invitation for follow-up summit talks in Washington by late fall.

Kremlin aide Yuri Ushakov explained the need for further talks, including both leaders possibly meeting at this November’s G20 summit for sideline discussions.

Trump asked John Bolton to establish a “working dialogue (including a second summit) so that we can start implementing some of the many things discussed, including stopping terrorism, security for Israel, nuclear proliferation, cyber attacks, trade, Ukraine, Middle East peace, North Korea and more.”

One or more polls show most Americans support efforts to improve bilateral relations. 

Other polls show most Americans are brainwashed to be hostile to Russia - their views manipulated by scoundrel media propaganda.

According to Speaker Paul Ryan, Putin won’t be invited to address Congress when in Washington for summit talks with Trump, saying: 

“We certainly will not be giving him an invitation to (address) a joint session. That is something we reserve for allies.”

According to a Hill opinion piece, inviting Putin to the Oval Office is political suicide. A USA Today commentary called Trump’s performance in Helsinki “terrifying. Cancel the sequel,” it added.

On Tuesday, Reuters said the Kremlin so far hasn’t accepted Trump’s invitation for follow-up summit talks in Washington, “saying only that the two men (have) other chances to meet” face-to-face.

According to Ushakov, both nations haven’t begun working on another summit. He confirmed that a meeting between Russia’s Security Council members and John Bolton will take place in August “to continue discussing the outcome of the Helsinki summit and consider the prospects for future cooperation in a number of fields.”

Regardless of how well Putin and Trump get along with each other in summit talks and other interactions, the prospect for improved bilateral relations is virtually nil.

Other nations trust America at their peril. Time and again, it breaches promises made. Ruling US regimes have interests, not allies, wanting other governments co-opted to serve their hegemonic aims.

US and Russian interests are world’s apart. Moscow supports world peace and stability, multi-world polarity, and cooperative relations among all nations.

Washington wages endless wars of aggression for unchallenged global dominance, abhorring peace and stability, pursuing its unipolar objectives.

Irreconcilable differences separate both countries. Washington’s aggressive geopolitical agenda makes improved relations with Russia and other sovereign independent nations unattainable.

Believing otherwise is foolishly dangerous wishful thinking.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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