
Trump to Deport Salvadoran Refugees


Trump to Deport Salvadoran Refugees

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

The US 1990 Immigration Act established a procedure for granting temporary protected status (TPS) to refugees and asylum seekers unable to be safe in their home countries because of armed conflict, extreme violence, an environmental disaster, or other extraordinary conditions.

As of last October, the Homeland Security secretary is authorized to decide which countries are eligible for TPS.

El Salvador is one of 10 qualifying nations, its refugees and asylum seekers granted TPS in 2001, affecting over 260,000 Salvadorans. Their status expires on September 9, 2019, unless renewed.

The country is no fit place to live in. Extreme violence and repression led to increasing numbers of Salvadorans seeking asylum in neighboring countries, including America.

Many thousands of gang members are responsible for one of the hemisphere’s highest annual murder rate. 

Regime security forces are responsible for major human rights abuses, including excessive force, extrajudicial killings, and detensions.

Women are abused. Abortions are criminalized, banned even for cases or rape or when a woman’s life is endangered.

Maria Teresa Rivera was imprisoned for four years, convicted of aggravated homicide after having a miscarriage.

Around two dozen women remain imprisoned for pregnancy-related complications or obstetric emergencies.

Human rights defenders are targeted and abused. Freedom of movement is restricted. It’s clear why many thousands of Salvadorans seek safe havens abroad.

On Monday, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen terminated TPS for Salvadoran refugees and asylum seekers, saying:

“The decision…was made after a review of the disaster-related conditions upon which the country’s original designation was based and an assessment of whether those originating conditions continue to exist,” adding:

“(O)riginal conditions caused by the 2001 earthquakes no longer exist,” ignoring horrific conditions in the country, responsible for thousands seeking safe haven in America and elsewhere.

The Trump administration earlier ended TPS status for thousands of Haitians and Nicaraguans.

Refugees, asylum seekers and other immigrants of color aren’t wanted in America. 

Emma Lazarus’ words on the Statue of Liberty’s pedestal no longer apply. America’s “lamp beside the golden door” is no longer is lifted for poor “huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

The “homeless, tempest-tost…wretched refuse” is unwanted in a land serving its privileged few alone.

Trump’s racist war on immigrants demands they leave or be forcefully deported.

The Anne Frank Center earlier tweeted “.@POTUS’ new #immigration plan: The Statue of Liberty weeps as she watches Trump flush America’s moral leadership down the toilet.”

Salvadorans and other unwanted foreign nationals are blamed for misery inflicted on them they have no control over.

America was never beautiful. Under bipartisan neocons infesting Washington, it’s hostile and barbarous.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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