
Trump Calls China a Rival Power


Trump Calls China a Rival Power

by Stephen Lendman stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

Beijing responded sharply to Trump’s National Security Strategy (NSS).

It called China a “revisionist” country, a “rival” state, a strategic competitor, potentially jeopardizing bilateral relations the way they should be.

A statement by China’s Washington embassy said “(t)he Americans on one hand say they want to develop a partnership with China, but on the other hand they take an oppositional stance.” 

“This is contradictory. It is not conducive to exchanges and the interdependent relations between China and the US, and serves to do the opposite of bilateral and international cooperation between the two.”

“It is completely egotistical for any nation to put its interests above the common interests of other nations and the international community. It will lead to a path of self-isolation.”

America wants unchallenged dominion over planet earth, its resources and populations. It aims to transform all sovereign independent nations into US vassal states, war its favored strategy.

Trump’s NSS accused China of seeking to “displace the US in the Indo-Pacific region, expand the reach of its state-driven economic model and reorder the region in its favor.”

Beijing stresses mutual cooperation among all nations, along with peace and stability, stressing the importance of avoiding wars.

America’s hegemonic agenda is polar opposite, risking eventual confrontation with all nations standing in the way of its imperial goals.

Trump’s NSS mentioned China 33 times, the tone mostly negative. It stresses bilateral rivalry, not mutual cooperation, perhaps signaling added pressure to try forcing Beijing to bend to Washington’s will, a strategy doomed to fail.

According to China’s Global Times, Trump’s NSS “is a manifestation of the (his) administration’s tough posture, which counts on US power instead of international rules.” 

“It showcases Washington’s indisputable insistence on its global hegemony. Neither Beijing nor Moscow will buy it.”

“(T)he newly released National Security Strategy reflects Washington’s reluctance to accept the rise of China” – seeking control over the country it won’t get.

Its hostile agenda will end up “getting its own comeuppance. If Trump (intends) intensify(ing) military confrontation, then let him just try it. We believe East Asian nations will not follow the US, nor are they ready to serve as its tool.”

Unknown is whether Trump’s NSS on China and Russia is just tough talk posturing or firm policy. The risk is it may be more of the latter than the former.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."