
Toxic Agent Planted in Luggage of Sergey Skripal’s Daughter?


Toxic Agent Planted in Luggage of Sergey Skripal’s Daughter?

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

The unconvincing claim reported by the UK Telegraph, picked up by Reuters and other media, would be implausible even in a Jean le Carre, James Bond or Agatha Christie thriller.

According to the Telegraph, “(t)he nerve agent that poisoned Russian spy Sergei Skripal was planted in his daughter’s suitcase before she left Moscow, intelligence agencies now believe,” adding:

Unnamed “(s)enior sources told the Telgraph…the toxin was impregnated in an item of clothing or cosmetics or else in a gift that was opened in his house in Salisbury, meaning Miss Skripal was deliberately targeted to get at her father.”

The above is utter rubbish. Only Sergey Skripal, his daughter Yulia visiting from Moscow, and police detective Nick Bailey investigating the alleged poisoning are seriously ill, according to what’s been reported.

Yulia Skripal arrived in Britain from Moscow on March 3. According to an unnamed source the Telegraph cited, “it was straight forward for the assassins to break into Ms Skripal’s apartment in Moscow and plant the nerve agent in her luggage,” adding:

“The next day, (Skripal and his daughter) drove into Salisbury city center, parking in Sainsbury’s car park at 1.40pm before going to the Bishops Mill pub and on to Zizzi restaurant before collapsing on a bench.”

“Traces of Novichok nerve agent have been found on Col Skripal’s car and in the restaurant and pub.”

It’s unknown what was found there or anywhere else because Theresa May’s government released no information, just unsubstantiated claims - baseless without credible proof.

If traces of a deadly nerve agent were found in public places, countless numbers of people would be seriously harmed, perhaps many already dead. 

That’s not the case, an obvious red flag. Another unnamed Telegraph source said “(y)ou would basically need to decontaminate the whole of Salisbury before you could declare it safe to the public.”

Neither the source or the Telegraph explained why no one else anywhere in Britain wasn’t reported ill from toxic agent poisoning.

Carrying a dangerous nerve agent in luggage would risk mass contamination. Clearly the claim is a hoax.

The alleged poisoning of Skripal and his daughter defies credibility. Moscow’s envoy to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Alexander Shulgin said “there was never a scientific program under (the name “Novichok”) in the Russian Federation.

Toxic agent research was conducted by Soviet Russia and America.

So far it’s unclear what happened to Sergey Skripal and his daughter - nothing publicly verified by credible sources.

Former chemical weapons advisor to the UN secretary general Igor Nikulin said Russia never developed the deadly nerve agent allegedly harming Skripal and his daughter.

If they’re seriously ill as reported, Washington and Britain are responsible for what happened, not Russia, Nikulin insists, adding:

“The version with Yulia Skripal’s suitcase is absolutely invented out of thin air.”

“If someone tried to crank up such an operation, it would be the largest terrorist attack in history - (with) hundreds of corpses.”

“It would have touched everyone who was near - passengers on the plane, airport visitors.”

“We know from open sources that the formula was developed in Soviet Russia, but it was never produced and tested.”

America was involved in dismantling the former Soviet facility in Uzbekistan where the code-named “Novichock” was worked on.

“The Americans…took equipment for producing the (toxin) to US territory.” Washington and likely Britain alone alone possess this toxic agent, Nikulin explained.

“This means that” only the US and UK could have used it, if, in fact, any toxin was used against Skripal and his daughter - a scheme to blame Russia for what it had nothing to do with.

“Seventeen years ago in the same small town of Salisbury, where Skripal was poisoned, under mysterious circumstances, another Russian defector, biologist Vladimir Pasechnik was killed,” Nikulin added.

“The deaths of local, British scientists are taking place there with a frightening frequency.”

Britain’s refusal to provide Moscow with samples of the alleged nerve agent used on Skripal and his daughter is clear evidence of a coverup.

If evidence proved it was produced in Russia, Theresa May would want it publicly revealed - quite another matter if made in the USA or Britain, the most likely explanation.

Believe nothing claimed by UK, US or other Western officials, nothing reported by media scoundrels - complicit in the hoax by failing to report accurately on the Skripal incident.

Famed journalist/political critic HL Menchen (1880 - 1956) once said “(t)he whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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