The Space Time Death Scam


The Establishment is threatening us with these things:

  • You’re going to die DEATH
  • You’re running out of time TIME
  • You can’t travel by yourself SPACE

It’s true we are all going to die, but they have spent billions investing in the narrative that we are just a rotting piece of meat, there’s no reincarnation.

Here’s reality:

Your soul, consciousness, or “ISBY” as the ETs call it is totally indestructible.   Your soul is infinite, the cosmos is infinite, your soul cannot be destroyed, not even with a bullet in your pineal gland.  This is the big secret the Elite’s do not want you to know, and this conspiracy to hide the truth is not only Biblical, it’s the key ingredient in the social control paradigm.

There are beings slightly higher up in the food chain who feed off our energy (and in some cases, our glands) and they are behind the Deep State, behind the ridiculous debt based money system, and other mechanisms to keep us uninformed and lost, physically and spiritually.

Now here’s the catch.  While you can’t kill a soul, you can trap it.  You can lie to it, you can convince someone to be your slave, you can influence a weak minded human to do almost anything.  Furthermore, you can do this to an entire society.  You could even convince humans to build their own prison.

Earth is a Prison Planet; but that’s our history – it’s not our future.  Earth is also an amazing learning and growth platform, a schism of unity and duality, contrast and cohesion.

Just snap out of it.  We’ve all lived millions of lives before, some of us remember but most not.  We don’t need to spend time dwelling on this or remembering past lives- we just need to understand this one simple truth.  Life is an experience, and death is the beginning, not the end (1).

Through meditation, pick your technique, you can travel anywhere.  Remote Viewing was discovered by the military in the 1960s and that has been declassified and there is now a decent sized remote viewing industry, with various intents and purposes.  But the bottom line is you can travel anywhere in the Universe from your room where you are sitting now (2).

Time is linear on our Earth timeline, but time doesn’t necessarily work like that everywhere in the cosmos.  Time is a field, not a vector (3).  This is the mind-numbing axiom you’ll have to struggle with spiritually or if you’re studying Quantum Physics.  The universe is 13 Billion years old, but there are baby Universes and other Universes which all exist in the Multi-verse.  Black Holes are so dense they attract nearby matter, as well as time – we don’t know what happens when you enter a black hole because information including light and radio waves cannot escape.  But now we have a theory on what does happen- on the other side of black holes are ‘white holes’ or “Creation” – [2]

The scientists’ findings demonstrate how, using the laws of quantum mechanics, the black hole singularity is replaced by a region of large quantum fluctuations—tiny, temporary changes in the energy of space—where space and time do not end. Instead, space and time transition into a new phase called a white hole—a theoretical region of space thought to function in the opposite way to a black hole. As such, a white hole could be where time begins.

Imagine you have a 3d graph, each axis is a function (time); linear time is but one manifestation of time.  And of course, you can have linear backward time as shown in the feature film “Tenet.”

But what about multi-dimensional time, time as a multidimensional universal field, and that can be modified just like space.

We don’t have the answers, we don’t even know what questions to ask.  What we know is that time is not linear as we have been taught, and there are places of ‘no time’ in other dimensions.

The bottom line is that we’re all victims of the Space Time Death scam.

Understanding this is the first step to maximizing our experience here in this realm.

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