The DEEP UNDERGROUND STATE is the Ancient Elite Ruling Class, controlling Earth with Fiat Currency for thousands of years


The ending rule of the Ancient Buggy Class – A deeper look at the failing deep state and the Debt Based Monetary chains of control

Global Intel Hub — The financial system is maintained by an Elite few, we’re talking 100 – 300 people as individuals.  If you peel back the layers of funds like Vanguard, Blackrock, and the banks, the shareholders, the final owners list is going to be very very small.  We’re not talking even the 1%ers we’re talking the .00001% ers or as Dr. John Coleman said, The Committee of 300. [x]

How is it possible, you ask, that over a period of 500 years, a period that has ushered in rapid and profound change for humanity in technology, the arts, transportation, science, and medicine; that we have not seen any major improvements in the financial system?  “FedWire” has been replaced recently with “FedNow” after nearly 100 years, the name “FedWire” was used because it was initially using the Telegraph which used “Wires” (Similar to the FBI’s charge “Wire Fraud” which is basically anything).  So who are these people and how they can maintain such consistency in countries that are far apart in the world, ranging from Russia to China to the United States of America?  There’s one operative way to look at this, they have done so through a strict narrative that is force fed to humanity and they use all the tools, including Culture, Psychological Operations, internet “Bots” – Film, Magazines, daytime TV to create a ‘reality’ for us so even if some of these secrets are shouted out in public, the masses don’t have a way to understand really what’s going on.  We envy Tesla and Einstein with their 200 IQs but what about 500 IQ?  They are smarter than us, and that’s why they are always ahead of the curve. They know how we will react before it happens.  This is much deeper than Problem, Reaction, Solution (But that is one of the tools).

Did any of us ponder why the “Deep” state is “Deep” when there are plenty of alternatives like “Shadow Government” or “Fifth Column” or just “Ruling Elites” – “Hidden Hand” etc. etc.  Perhaps it means “Deep Underground” – in the US it is reported by Gene Decode that there are more than 10,000 D.eep U.nderground M.ilitary B.ases a staggering number.

But let’s go back to the beginning, at least to the beginning of Human History of Planet Earth – as many have observed, including but not limited to William Bramley [1] “Gods of Eden” there is a ruling faction that controls humans and those Elites live in a different world and are genetically different according to DNA testing, some say they have a different blood type.

To establish a purpose and reason for reading this, this is the group that controls the debt based Central Banking system currently used by 99% of the world’s economy.  The Central Banking system is largely a non-state private currency system called ‘fiat’ which means ‘by decree’ in Latin or in modern colloquial English “Because I said so.”

Here’s a full spectrum chart of GBP/USD since inception: [2]

Here’s the interesting pattern – all Currency charts look the same.  A logarithm that tends to zero or so close to zero that it’s indistinguishable to zero.  Money in this system is the only store of value that you can practically choose, (try asking to be paid in Gold or Bitcoin) so the strategy is to suck your value by de-valuing the currency.  There is a hack to this of course, a way out for friends of the Elite, you can game the system by investing and inflation causes your stock portfolio to balloon, the more they destroy the currency the more paper wealth the Elite have, making their class even that much more inaccessible.  The point of Capitalism in it’s current form is not free markets, it’s a Monopoly system where big bank takes little bank.  Large Monopolies always swallow value and innovation, ensuring the status quo is maintained at all costs.  All the “Noise” is totally irrelevant, the Elite back both sides of wars, finance and support revolutions, so it’s a win-win for the Elite and lose-lose for everyone else.  All the history we know about, 5,000 – 7,000 years or so, the game is the same.  Look at Rome, or the Muslim Caliphates, it all ends in war, and currency debasement.  Then a new system is put in place to ‘fix’ the old system, and the same thing happens again.

We need to be clear that not all people in power, billionaires, celebrities, and other public figures are part of this genetic and Ancient class of rulers – but we are ALL part of this system.  Unless you live off grid and grow your own food, and there are a small number of people who do that, we are all connected through the system.  Even those people living remotely off grid are connected to the energy grid of this planet, something that these Elites have hijacked a long time ago.

WHO are these people and where they come from is unknown, William Bramley calls them “The Custodians” and others have warned to not look at this in terms black and white, good vs. evil – if you interview any Satanist they believe that what they do is good, they say Lucifer “Brings the light” so hold your biases in your pocket for now.  What we do know is they have maintained consistency through thousands of years and hundreds of generations of civilizations, it’s not reserved to the Nazis or the Egyptians, to the Bavarian Illuminati or to the Freemasons, the Rothschilds, it’s all true.  The astute researchers that have looked into this topic only need to connect the dots that all these ruling Elites are just another manifestation of the same group.  We know that “They” are not human.  The Elites themselves are likely either a) human hybrids by blood b) remote controlled / possessed c) shapeshifters that look, smell, and taste like humans – or a combination of all 3.  There is insufficient evidence to speak of their origins or history, but a lot of evidence to substantiate the claims made here.  That evidence includes not only witness testimony, physical evidence and observations, but also this story is part of every single culture on the planet without exceptions.

The motto of the Mossad is “Rule by Deception” and this has always been the plan.  Through the secret societies, and intelligence agencies (which are actually esoteric groups meant to keep us in line vs. what we are told), and through the Vatican and other religions, a non-human group of entities controls human society.  There are many ‘houses’ of control such as the Satanists, the Rothschilds et. al. but they are all controlled by these non-human “Gods” if you will, and no matter which rabbit hole you go down it all leads to one of the same places.  Sure, there are wars between the Gods for control of human spiritual energy, the point is that they have a tool of control.  The military uses PsyOps, Limited Hangout, Culture, (Movies, Nirvana, Beatles, Taylor Swift) to program the masses, using complex psychologically designed music, video, (which goes to cerebral cortex) while they are outright telling you what they are doing.  500 years ago, it was the Church,  1,000 years ago, it was something else… the methods change but the social control paradigm does not.  For awhile there was slavery, Feudalism, and today we have Fiat Currency slavery.  We’re not going to get into the genetic modifications, GMO chemicals in the food, Chemtrails, 5g, energy grid, and other control mechanisms, let’s stick to what’s easily evidenced and something everyone knows: the US Dollar.

The global central banking system is run by the Bank of International Settlements in Globalist HQ Switzerland, and they can create ‘swaps’ which are used in between

So if this is so pervasive, why don’t we see any evidence of this?  Perhaps it’s because it’s all happening deep underground.  So where’s the evidence of THAT?


We need to stop looking at the Deep State as part of the government, it’s not.  What is the The Senior Executive Service (SES)?  It’s a government position which is given to anyone, unelected, and they wield total power in situations (for example) that are above the appointees of FEMA, the CIA for example.

The Senior Executive Service (SES) is a group of leaders in the United States federal government who are responsible for the executive management of the country:
Role – SES members lead the federal civilian workforce, serving in key positions just below the top Presidential appointees. They are the main link between these appointees and the rest of the federal workforce.

Why are there tunnel systems under US State Capitals, in Washington DC, Paris and Europe’s capitals, and Medieval Cathedrals?  Why are all US State Capitals built in the same style seemingly at a similar time?

Nashville, TN under the state capital [3]:

Purpose of centuries-old secret tunnels beneath this Florida city still a mystery in Tampa, FL [2]:

It’s been years since a network of secret tunnels was discovered beneath Tampa, but their purpose remains a mystery.

The subterranean passageways below Ybor City may have been used to smuggle immigrants, alcohol or even money for the Mafia, experts theorized.

“These are quite substantial,” Dr. Lori Collins with the University of South Florida’s Center for Digital Heritage told News 6.

What do Cathedrals, State Capitals, and viral Tik Tok bots have in common?  Tools of control of the Deep Underground State.  How, who, why, or what built those tunnels under Tampa?

Under every major city from NY to LA and Seattle is an underground network of tunnels.

Why is there a mining operation near every state capital, managed by Vulcan Materials in the South and California?

Why are all state capitals built with extensive tunnel networks and nobody knows the extent of where they lead and why they need them?

Look at NY State: [3]

The Earth is a Honeycomb, the network of natural and man made tunnels is unexplored 90%, unlike the 75% of the world’s oceans.  In fact, there are millions of people living in caves who we know about, in India, China, and USA.  Checkout The cave dwellers of 21st-century China: [5]

These simple homes often dot the countryside in small, hard-to-find clusters, but in places like Lijiashan, where hundreds of caves scale nine different levels of a hillside, it is possible to find whole communities made up entirely of cave dwellers.  People have been living in caves in Shanxi for around 5,000 years, and it is believed that at one stage a quarter of the population lived underground. These days around one-twelfth of Shanxi-ers live in caves – still a remarkable number – and for many of them, life is almost as it was for their ancestors.  Lijiashan, a 550-year-old cave village, hugging a hillside set back from the Yellow River, is typical. Like most cave communities, it was hooked up to the national grid some time ago, but there is still no running water or sewage system, meaning locals are as reliant as ever on the raging muddy waters of the nearby Yellow River. The village’s nine terraced levels are linked by stone stairways that date back to the Ming Dynasty, and most homes still have paper windows rather than glass panes. Inside, their owners sleep on large stone beds, known as kang; cool in the summer, but with cavities underneath so that fires can be lit inside them during the winter months.

Hundreds of billions of US Dollars have been spent on tunnel systems including military bases, and even luxury bunkers capable of housing entire cities.  Much of that info is public.  During the “Cold War” this was justified to protect us from the crazy Russians that were going to nuke our suburbs into oblivion.  Donald Rumsfeld sent a CIA mission to Russia and said publicly “The fact that we didn’t find any nukes isn’t proof that they aren’t there” and even suggested the Russians were hiding them on the dark side of the moon.  All of that we heard were lies to a) scare the populace into submission and b) build massive underground structures under the guise of “Missile Defense” and nobody would question anything.  Don’t believe this author, check the book “The best Enemy Money can buy” by Anthony Sutton.

It seems like the Catholics of Wall St. have some big ceremonies before connecting to Inner Earth civilizations, or perhaps someone is coming from under to surface giving them stock tips?  Or coming from London with info? [4] :

How are there millions of missing children reported each year – no bodies, no records of them ever turn up?  In kidnappings and more traditional crime situations the truth will emerge eventually even if it’s 20 years or 40 years later, not in this case.  None of these mysteries are never solved.  Perhaps these kids and adults are really disappearing?

The how

You may ask HOW are they able to achieve total mass control of the global narrative.  Well, let’s look at it like this.  They have an AI computer system, they spent $100 Billion on this system, and it costs billions of dollars per year to maintain.  This computer system tells them what to do.  The foundations of this AI were laid by Edward Bernays and PR firms in the 1950s, the CIA mind control experiments, RAND corporation, and other projects.

They control information on the internet, on TV, Book publishing, and – here’s the big kicker.  The FBI, CIA, and other similar organizations share an office, not sure what it’s called.  This office monitors keywords, news stories, and other public intel for certain keywords.  We know some of the keywords:  JFK, UFOs, not sure what others are – perhaps COVID, etc.

If you are found to be proliferating intel on these topics, AND you are connected to a real source, they will

a) greet you

b) pitch you

and if you decline, they’ll

c) eliminate you

Not necessarily that means murder, it can mean many things.  You can have a visa revoked, you can be fired, you can get cancer, death murders is sort of outdated like the 80s.  But they ALWAYS pitch you first.  This is why you see so many people out there, people like online brands like Redacted for example, that seem to be on the payroll, although these guys seem totally honest and legit.  They don’t work for the agency, they aren’t spies, it’s the other way around.  The system will wait to see who is a good voice and buy them.  They get bought.  Then 90% of their info is interesting, genuine, but 10% is the planted fake news, people like Eric the Heckler, total Establishment liars that have only one agenda:

Confuse, distract, distort, and divide.  Get us arguing about the wrong things.  Spread negativity.

Many people can sense the trolls intuitively, but they are often very persuasive.

Then you have the internet bots.  Many of them even call themselves ‘bot’ like my personal favorite Illuminatibot or “Nikola” whose name is “Ronin” which is code for “CIA” [ checkout the movie RONIN ]

Spellcasting – mass repeating of the same ‘mantra’ is spellcasting.  The headlines, it’s not meant to actually convince you of a thesis, it’s meant to subliminal programming your subconscious.  “Polls show that 1 in 10 men support abortion” – people think it’s about the statistics, but it’s really about programming your brain, which is a complex campaign that comes at you at multiple levels.

Look at this in the Denver Airport:

This was taken at the baggage claim.  Is this demon joining you for a ride in your suitcase for everyone who passes through the gates of hell into Denver?

Readers should note that Denver is considered by some the capital of the Deep State, being close to Cheyenne Mountain or the main military entrance to the deep underground networks.

Post production of this article we made the following analysis video for our Vlog:

Why are they doing this?

The Elites maintain a status quo, a power system, over Earth for thousands of years.  They are sucking our value, our blood, our hard work, and limit our abilities.  Some of the control mechanisms are implanted in our DNA (Telomeres, for example..).  It’s not just the GeoEngineering, the GMO in the food, the Fluouride and other crap in the water, the Vax, it’s not any individual thing – it’s all of the above.  It’s TV, pop culture, Nirvana, The Beatles, Taylor Swift.. an endless deluge of control which is information (Digital), environmental, and biological.  It’s almost impossible to avoid.

They believe, they are destined to rule, to control – that’s their personal ego opinion, their mandate.  It’s in their blood.  This justifies slavery, abuse, etc. etc. and the whole thing.  Are they human?  Are the Elites actually remote controlled by non-humans, are they hybrids, or a combination of both?  We can’t source evidence for that, but clearly the COVID situation was anti-human, it wasn’t a case of USA vs. Russia, it was a case of the system vs. humans.   It doesn’t appear to be human driven.  Humans are loving, creative, amazing beings of love and light  – if you look at the military, they have a huge problem getting soldiers to kill.  Killing is not native, it’s only part of sociopaths and psychopaths.  The whole dialectic Red vs. Blue or Black vs. White is all artificially created conflicts, to divide and conquer.

What can we do about it?

In short, be positive – meditate, and don’t give into the negativity.  At this stage of the game, the only meaningful thing the Deep State can do (The Deep State represents the owner class or the ‘custodians’ – ) is create negative distractions like proxy wars, Hurricanes, and spread fear porn about SpaceX or that Trump is going to arrest blacks or some other nonsense.  Don’t read the negative news, Zero Hedge is a great example of a financial / political site.  There are thousands of others with topic focused information.  Turn off your TV.

There is evidence of a “White Hat” disclosure plan and also there is evidence of a White Hat mission to extract the bad guys and eliminate or expel them, although it’s not clearly obvious to many.

Those who resonate at a higher frequency will become invisible to the Dark Deep State and their tactics.  People like Andrew Torba at are creating a parallel economy based on real people values, local businesses, they call the parallel economy.  There are simply tons of examples.  There’s ways you can earn a living that don’t rely on the mainstream establishment – it all depends on what makes you happy.

Just say no.  Abductees and those who have been slave victims of spiritual entities claim that just by NOT providing consent, they will go away.  Don’t participate in the dark negative culture.  Get off those Russian Telegram groups spreading fear porn.  Un-follow the X bots and don’t even use Tik Tok (it’s all bullshit, and it’s bad for ya!).

Report bot posts to moderators.  Meditate.  Take cold showers.  Do random favors to strangers.  Manifest.  Build positive Karma!  Yeah.  You know what to do.  Just smash your TV and stop drinking beer and watching football.  What’s the point, really?  Learn a language, learn music, paint a picture, host an exchange student.  Be a hero.  Pickup litter.  Unsubscribe to the newspaper.  Volunteer.

Seriously – the more people who start participating in a higher vibrational world of love and light, and stop participating in the hate war machine, the faster that world will be upon us.

Free will is a bitch, and the Psycho Social Control Paradigm relies on our consent.  We do not consent!

For those who enjoy video, see these videos on this topic:

Some pictures:


“Just set down that bag of bricks, Kevin!” _ Al Pacino, “Devils Advocate”

[1] Book “Gods of Eden”

William Bramley
HarperCollins, Mar 1, 1993 – Body, Mind & Spirit – 512 pages
They Came To Earth Millions Of Years
Ago To Spread The Poison Of Hatred,
War And Catastrophe…
They Are With Us Still…

Human history is a seemingly endless succession of bloody conflicts and devastating turmoil. Yet, inexplicably, in the light of astonishing intellectual and technological advancement, Man’s progress has been halted in one crucial area: he still indulges the primitive beast within and makes war upon his neighbors.

As a result of seven years of intense research, William Bramley has uncovered the sinister thread that links humanity’s darkest events — from the wars of the ancient pharaohs to the assissination of JFK. In this remarkable, shocking and absolutely compelling work, Bramley presents disturbing evidence of an alien presence on Earth — extraterrestrial visitors who have conspired to dominate Humankind through violence and chaos since the beginning of time…a conspiracy which continues to this very day.







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