Wall Street Expects Fee Bonanza As $1 Trillion In Mutual Funds Become ETFs

From ZH This week, a quiet milestone in the changing nature of the asset-management industry passed without much notice from the heavily preoccupied financial press – and no, we’re not talking about Invesco’s latest volley in the buy-side fee wars. On Monday, Dimensional Fund Advisors converted $29 billion in mutual funds into ETFs via Citigroup, one of Wall […]

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Nobody Wants To Work: Job Openings Soar To Record High 8.1 Million, Smashing Wall Street Expectations

From ZH In case we needed more proof that the US labor market is in a supply-demand mismatch crisis, a few hours after the latest NFIB showed that it has never been more difficult for small business to fill job openings, moments ago the BLS confirmed what we expected: that the number of job openings […]

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