Google Online Ministry of Information Monopoly – Total Spectrum Dominance

Google (NASDAQ: GOOGL) is engaged in practices which are harmful, and possibly illegal.  Google is using algorithms to cover up frauds (for a fee?) and to manipulate and modify public opinion, with the end goal being manufactured consent. The US Military outlined in their doctrine a goal of “Full Spectrum Dominance” that means totally controlling […]

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High Speed Click Fraud: Over One Third Of All Internet “Traffic” Is Fake

“When you bundle bots, clicks fraud, viewability and the lack of transparency [in automated ad buying], the total digital-media value equation is being questioned and totally challenged,” warns one advertising group executive as theWSJ reports about 36% of all Web traffic is considered fake, the product of computers hijacked by viruses and programmed to visit sites. This […]

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The Conspiracy Theory Is True: Agents Infiltrate Websites Intending To “Manipulate, Deceive, And Destroy Reputations”

GIH: Alarming information has been brought forth as part of an ongoing disclosure regarding activities of NSA and other intelligence agencies.  The following should be alarming for anyone using the internet – especially businesses, governments, and other organizations.  What SEO managers and forum administrators have suspected for years, government agent ‘shills’ are infecting the internet […]

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Death of SEO

Is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) dead? SEO developed into a quasi-industry because of a few factors during the post .com boom, mostly supported by the domination of Google and the lack of technology understanding from users and businesses.  Businesses knew they needed to get ‘on the internets’  but few new what this meant.  So they […]

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