hollywood global intel hub

Fake Science Exposed as modern Information Warfare tool in Business

GlobalIntelHub.com — 6/5/2024 — Disruptive companies and individuals that do not bow to the Establishment worldview often find themselves under attack overtly and covertly, this is not news, it has been going on for thousands of years.  History is the story of the struggle between the haves and the have-nots, says Dr. Tony Blanton. Nature.com […]

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HAARP Upgrade: National Science Foundation Funds Observatory At HAARP Facility To Study Upper Atmosphere

from technocracy   A five-year, $9.3 million National Science Foundation grant will allow the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute to establish a new research observatory dedicated to exploring Earth’s upper atmosphere and geospace environment. The Subauroral Geophysical Observatory for Space Physics and Radio Science will be housed at the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program […]

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Mask Madness – The Death of Science

From DS If you wanted to grow up to be a mass murderer, destroyer of health and happiness, if you wanted to inflict maximum harm on the entire human race, what profession would you choose? Besides being a CEO of a big pharmaceutical company like Pfizer or a maniac like Gates, the perfect job description […]

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