
Russia Challenges the Trump Regime on Venezuela

Russia Challenges the Trump Regime on Venezuela by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) On Wednesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said “build(ing) foreign policy around relations with the United States…the European Union or NATO…risk(s) ending up in a situation where you will be punished, which is what we are now witnessing,” adding: […]

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US Propaganda Bullhorn Roars Against Venezuela

US Propaganda Bullhorn Roars Against Venezuela by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) It’s roaring daily by Trump regime hardliners and supportive establishment media – pretending the ongoing coup attempt against Venezuela’s legitimate government is democracy building. According to the State Department, “Venezuela is currently suffering an historic political, economic, and social crisis […]

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US VERDAD Act: Senate Support for Regime Change in Venezuela

US VERDAD Act: Senate Support for Regime Change in Venezuela by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Seeking dominance over all other nations is imperialism’s defining feature – by brute force if other tactics fail. That’s how the US has operated throughout the post-WW II era – beginning with naked aggression against North […]

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NATO Chief Calls for Greater Military Spending and Buildup Against Russia

NATO Chief Calls for Greater Military Spending and Buildup Against Russia by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) NATO chiefs are front men for Washington’s imperial agenda – notably at a time when the only threats to the West are invented ones. No real ones exist. NATO operates as a virtual extension of […]

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Chelsea Manning Seeks Release from Unlawful Detention

Chelsea Manning Seeks Release From Unlawful Detention by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Manning was constitutionally justified in refusing to give grand jury testimony. So is everyone. The secretive process is legally, morally, and ethically unconstitutional, used “to entrap and persecute activists for protected political speech,” she explained. She invoked her First, […]

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Ecuador’s Lenin Moreno: Imperial Tool

Ecuador’s Lenin Moreno: Imperial Tool by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno promised to continue the populist agenda of his predecessor, Rafael Correa. In office, he breached his pledges straightaway, implementing neoliberal policies, serving pro-Western and privileged interests at the expense of ordinary Ecuadorians, abandoning Correa’s agenda, betraying people […]

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US Puppet Guaido Stripped of Immunity

US Puppet Guaido Stripped of Immunity by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Usurper in waiting Guaido is a front man for the Trump regime’s coup attempt to topple democratically elected and reelected President Maduro.  Most of all, the scheme aims to eliminate Bolivarian social democracy, wanting Venezuela transformed into a US vassal […]

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Trump Regime Demands Turkey Cancel Purchase of Russian S-400 Air Defense Missiles

Trump Regime Demands Turkey Cancel Purchase of Russian S-400 Air Defense Missiles by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Palestinian/American scholar/activist Edward Said once said “(e)very empire…tells itself and the world that it is unlike all other empires, that its mission is not to plunder and control but to educate and liberate” – […]

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Chicagoans Elect First Black Female Mayor

Chicagoans Elect First Black Female Mayor by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The late Harold Washington was Chicago’s first Black mayor, elected in 1983, serving until his premature death at age-65 on November 25, 1987, the day before the Thanksgiving holiday that year. No one before or since was like him, affectionately […]

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The Eyes Have It, Guaido’s Look of Pure Evil

The Eyes Have It, Guaido’s Look of Pure Evil by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) When it comes to Venezuela, he’s the fourth Trump regime axis of evil member – along with Pompeo, Bolton, and “assistant secretary of dirty wars” Abrams, his 1980s nickname. They’re part of the diabolical plot to eliminate […]

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