
Hazardous US Products

Hazardous US Products by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Monied interests run America and most other countries. Government officials serve their interests. In the US, it includes appointing corporate executives to run federal agencies. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), along with departments of agriculture, commerce, energy, health and human services, environmental […]

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Intimidating Arab Voters in Israel

Intimidating Arab Voters in Israel by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Israeli Arab citizens comprise 20% of the population. By turning out in force, they can defeat Netanyahu’s reelection aim – eliminating the scourge he represents, short of improving conditions for persecuted Palestinians in Israel and the Territories. Last month, he publicly […]

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Russia, China and Cuba Establishing a Foothold in Venezuela?

Russia, China and Cuba Establishing a Foothold in Venezuela? by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Russia, China, and Cuba work cooperatively with other nations in full compliance with the UN Charter and other international law. The US seeks global dominion – by brute force if other tactics fail. Russian involvement in Venezuela […]

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Endless War an Chaos in Libya

Endless War and Chaos in Libya by Stephen Lendman US-led NATO aggression raped and destroyed Libya, transforming Africa’s most developed nation into a cauldron of endless violence, chaos and human misery – what happens virtually wherever US forces show up. In 2011, Libya was terror-bombed and attacked on the ground to destroy its sovereignty, plunder […]

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Farcical Israeli Elections

Farcical Israeli Elections by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) No matter the outcome of Israeli elections, dirty business as usual wins every time, the way things work in the US and other Western nations. Dominated by fascist extremists, Zionist ideologues, and religious fundamentalists, Israel is an apartheid police state – a fantasy […]

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Netanyahu Promises to Annex West Bank Land if Reelected

Netanyahu Vows to Annex West Bank Land if Reelected by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Like the US and other Western states, apartheid Israel is a fantasy democracy, never the real thing. Today it’s presided over by the most extremist regime in its history, Netanyahu an unapologetic hate-mongering racist, a fascist despot […]

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Trump Sacks DHS Secretary Nielsen

Trump Sacks DHS Secretary Nielsen by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) The USA Patriot Act was written months before 9/11, kept on the shelf, ready to be enacted into law following the mother of all false flags.  Numerous other police state laws, executive orders, presidential and homeland security directives, congressional authorization for […]

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Netanyahu Vows to Annex West Bank Land if Reelected

Netanyahu Vows to Annex West Bank Land if Reelected by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Like the US and other Western states, apartheid Israel is a fantasy democracy, never the real thing. Today it’s presided over by the most extremist regime in its history, Netanyahu an unapologetic hate-mongering racist, a fascist despot […]

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Venezuelan Collectives: Defending Social Democracy

Venezuelan Collectives: Defending Social Democracy by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Activist Venezuelan collectives (aka collectivos) are world’s apart from how establishment media portray them. They’re Bolivarian social organizations throughout the country, including community, environmental and feminist groups, others involved in cultural, education and various other activities. Their common theme is defending […]

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Ani-Venezuela Propaganda Rages

Anti-Venezuela Propaganda Rages by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman) Without establishment media support, US wars of aggression, color revolutions, and old-fashioned coups like what’s ongoing against Venezuela would be foiled before getting out of the starting gate. Major media serving as imperial press agents sustain diabolical plots against peace, equity and justice […]

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