
Skripals Relocated to America When Well?


Skripals Relocated to America When Well?

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

According to the London Times, “Sergei and Yulia Skripal will be offered new identities and a new life in America in an attempt to protect them from further murder attempts,” adding:

“Intelligence officials at MI6 have had discussions with their counterparts in the CIA about resettling (them), offer(ing) new identities,” according to an unnamed senior Whitehall official. 

They’re both conscious, improving markedly, regaining strength, perhaps enough to be discharged in the coming days or weeks.

If the above scenario is accurate, it’s a scheme to put the Skripals into the equivalent of America’s witness protection program - not to safeguard them from nonexistent Russian threats, solely to silence them and hamper truth-telling on the incident, the Big Lie about fabricated Kremlin responsibility for whatever happened maintained.

Sergey is a UK citizen. A separate scenario has daughter Yulia being granted asylum in Britain, perhaps secreting them both under new identities.

The Sunday Telegraph said they could be given witness protection in Britain, perhaps round-the-clock police protection under new identities.

The Daily Mail said Sergey Skripal’s Salisbury home may be demolished - to eliminate any evidence exculpating Russia for the affair, it failed to explain.

Sergey’s niece Viktoria was denied visa permission to visit her relatives in Britain - on phony grounds of failing to “comply with the immigration rules.”

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova blasted the decision, calling it “a complete and utter disgrace (under) such extraordinary circumstances.”

Sergey and Yulia are Russian citizens. Yet its consular staff were denied access to them.

Clearly US and UK authorities want information about the Skripals controlled.

Now conscious and able to speak, they’re no doubt being fed rubbish claims of Russia wanting to do them in.

They only know what they’re told - so far at least kept unaware of their use as geopolitical pawns, a Russia bashing scheme on top of numerous other false accusations against the Kremlin.

Will the US/UK scheme work? Can the Skripals be kept from access to information showing Russia had nothing to do with whatever harmed them?

Will the Kremlin let the incident pass and move on? Will it press for truth and full disclosure or back off - choosing instead to seek improved East/West relations, an exercise in futility if this approach is pursued!

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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