
The Skripals Held Captive by Britain


The Skripals Held Captive by Britain

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Britain continues holding father and daughter Skripal largely incommunicado, unable to speak freely about what happened making them ill and their current status.

Earlier, Russia’s OPCW representative Alexander Shulgin said they’re “being held hostage by the British authorities.”

Since the alleged March 4 poisoning incident affecting father and daughter Skripal, Yulia was allowed one brief, closely monitored phone contact with her cousin Victoria in April - on a temporary phone given her to use, not her own cell phone kept from her in captivity.

On July 3, she was allowed a second brief conversation with Victoria, according to her cousin, saying she wants to return to Russia, but doesn’t know when she’ll be able to come.

Last month, deputy head of Russia’s Foreign Ministry Information and Press Department Artyom Kozhin said the Kremlin will provide whatever help it’s allowed by UK authorities to help Yulia return home, adding:

“With due respect for her private life, we are not confident that her steps and decisions are independent, and we still demand that the United Kingdom meet its international and legal commitments in providing consular access to our fellow citizens.”

“London is shamelessly creating artificial obstacles for this absolutely natural and sincere wish, without taking care about the feelings of relatives and their rights.”

In late May, Yulia’s video comments expressed unwillingness to accept Russian embassy in London help, unnatural remarks sounding scripted for her.

According to Scotland Yard at the time, she doesn’t want to give interviews. Under constraint, she’s unable to speak freely.

She and father Sergey are virtual UK captives, Yulia apparently wanting to return home but unable to leave, her free will denied. 

Britain and Washington want her and Sergey silenced. If freely able to speak, they’d likely expose the novichok hoax, falsely blaming Russia for something it had nothing to do with.

On Thursday, Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called news of another alleged nerve agent poisoning in Britain “very disturbing,” explaining:

“(W)e have no information on what substances were actually used and how they were used, because here it is very difficult to rely on any media reports.”

Russia has strongly denied (any) involvement in what happened” in March or July. “Britain has failed to provide any convincing evidence to substantiate its accusations against Russia.”

The Kremlin knows nothing about a UK appeal to Moscow on the latest incident it had nothing to do with or the March one.

Claims otherwise are bald-faced lies!

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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