
The Skripal Incident Big Lie Won’t Die


The Skripal Incident Big Lie Won’t Die

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

The March 4 Skripal incident was a colossal hoax. Sergey and daughter Yulia’s illness was unrelated to nerve agent poisoning, as falsely reported - toxins able to kill in minutes.

The incident was a diabolical US/UK plot to demonize the Kremlin more than already for something it had nothing to do with. No motive nor credible evidence proves Russian responsibility.

The US and UK had clear motives and opportunities to stage the incident at a time and place of their choosing.

Father and daughter Skripal “miraculously” recovered from whatever caused their illness - kept virtual prisoners by Britain so they’re not free to tell tales, Russia all along denied access to its own citizens.

Five months after the incident, the Big Lie persists. On Monday, the Sun published the latest twist to the deception, its report clearly planted by UK authorities, claiming two Kremlin-connected hit men poisoned the Skripals, attempting to assassinate them, according to Scotland Yard.

“The pair are thought to have left the UK the next morning after carrying out the attempted assassination on behalf of the Kremlin,” said the Sun, adding:

“They are now thought to be back in Russia and under the protection of President Vladimir Putin.”

No respectable journalist or commentator would associate his or her name with a fantasy version of what happened like the above - the stuff implausible Hollywood grade B films are made of, attracting gullible viewers alone.

Unpackaging the Sun’s report via Scotland Yard should make even highly naive readers suspicious of its credibility.

The official narrative changed several times since the March 4 incident - explained earlier as follows: 

Father and daughter Skripal were poisoned by a military-grade nerve agent while eating lunch at a Salisbury, UK restaurant.

The narrative switched to Yulia unwittingly transporting the nerve agent planted in her luggage on her flight from Moscow to London.

The story then shifted to Skripal’s car, the deadly toxin smeared on its handle, suggesting he and Yulia were poisoned this way.

Next came the claim about the nerve agent perhaps in aerosolized form affecting them through the vehicle’s ventilation system.

Another version followed, claiming the alleged nerve agent was smeared on Skripal’s front door.

The latest scenario claims two alleged unknown, unnamed, unidentified Kremlin-connected assassins responsible for what happened - not a whiff of evidence corroborating this twist in a far-fetched tale of clear deception.

All of the above amounts to baseless rubbish. If father and daughter Skripal were poisoned with a military-grade nerve agent as claimed, they’ve had died straightaway.

They’re well, discharged from hospitalization, kept secluded and incommunicado by UK authorities - likely against their will to keep the Big Lie alive, the Sun and other Western media going along with the ruse.

There are no mystery Russian enlisted hit-men connected to the Skripal incident, no suspects, according to Scotland Yard after months of so-called investigation - no “huge breakthrough” in the case, as falsely reported.

There was no military nerve agent poisoning. The March 4 incident was a classic false flag, the US and UK framing Russia for their own dirty work.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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