
Sino/Russian and US Policies World’s Apart on North Korea


Sino/Russian and US Policies World’s Apart on North Korea

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

Beijing and Moscow urge the world community unite against war on the Korean peninsula, going all-out to resolve contentious issues diplomatically.

According to Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang, “China and Russia have a common stance on the Korean peninsula issue…” 

“Both countries have come up with initiatives to resolve the issue peacefully, putting forward clear and understandable projects, which may help find a way out of the current situation.” 

“We hope that all the interested parties will adopt a sincere and positive attitude, pooling their efforts to ease tensions…return(ing) to the negotiating table as soon as possible.”

Key is deescalating tensions, not heightening them further, going all-out to avoid catastrophic war, a likely nuclear one if launched.

Sergey Lavrov criticized Washington, saying “(i)f somebody is very eager to use force to wipe out North Korea,” as US neocon UN envoy Nikki Haley pressed for in her “very bloodthirsty (Security Council) tirade,” he believes it’s an unacceptable mistake, recklessly “play(ing) with fire.”

He added Russia will do everything possible to prevent events on the peninsula from spinning out-of-control, China’s position identical.

Both countries want things resolved peacefully. America seems hellbent for war, on top of all others it’s waging, part of its permanent war on humanity, its diabolical scheme to own planet earth, risking its destruction.

Lunatics infest Washington, a bipartisan criminal class. Undemocratic Dems are as ruthlessly lawless as Republicans, both right wings of America’s duopoly governance in lockstep on imperial wars, corporate empowerment, and cracking down hard on nonbelievers – strongly against peace and democracy at home and abroad.

Is North Korea the Trump administration’s next target? On Sunday, neocon Senator Lindsey Graham said Washington is heading closer to “preemptive war” on the DPRK, adding “(i)f there’s an underground nuclear test (by the North), then you need to get ready for a very serious response by the United States.”

He urged moving spouses and children of US military personnel in South Korea back to America because we’re “getting close to military conflict” with Pyongyang.

At the fifth annual Reagan National Defense Forum on Saturday, at the Reagan Presidential Library near Los Angeles, Trump’s National Security Advisor HR McMaster said chance for war on the Korean peninsula is “increasing every day.”

He lied claiming the DPRK poses “the greatest immediate threat to the United States.” It’s the other way around, Washington a major threat to North Korea and all other independent countries.

It’s why Pyongyang continues developing its nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities, genuinely fearing US aggression – knowing America prefers attacking weak countries, not strong ones able to strike back, making Washington pay a stiff price for its aggression.

McMaster urged a total oil embargo on the DPRK, calling it “appropriate at this point,” ominously saying “there’s not much time left.”

Attacking North Korea would be madness – yet possible given Trump’s rage for war.

On Monday, provocative US/South Korean military exercises begin, continuing for five days, including simulated precision airstrikes on mock North Korean nuclear and missile targets.

Pyongyang justifiably believes Washington is rehearsing for war, why it’s expediting development of its most potent military capabilities – strictly for defense, not offense, not how America operates.

Make your own judgment on which country poses a real threat, which one urges regional peace and normal relations with all countries.

America deplores peace, waging endless wars on humanity, the greatest threat we all face.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."