
Senate Votes to Restore Net Neutrality


Senate Votes to Restore Net Neutrality

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.orgHome – Stephen Lendman)

By a narrow 52 – 47 margin, US senators on Wednesday voted to overturn the FCC’s Orwellian Restoring Internet Freedom Order – aimed at abolishing Internet digital democracy, giving predatory telecom and cable giants control over a vital public resource.

All undemocratic Dems voted to restore Net Neutrality, along with GOP Senators Susan Collins, John Kennedy, and Lisa Murkowski.

The 1996 Congressional Review Act (CRA) empowers Congress to review new regulations issued by federal agencies – enabling a House and Senate majority to rescind them.

If repealed, regulations can’t be reinstated in substantially the same form “unless the reissued or new rule is specifically authorized by a law enacted after the date of the joint resolution disapproving the original rule” – 5 US Code § 801(b)(2).

The battle in the House remains daunting with support so far way less than a majority to overturn the FCC’s ruling – to take effect on June 11 if not rescinded.

Achieving it requires unanimous Dem support along with 22 Republicans. The final hurdle is avoiding a likely Trump veto if things go this far.

Yesterday’s Senate vote got scant scoundrel media coverage. Fox News and MSNBC briefly mentioned it, nothing from CNN.

The NYT covered the vote, nothing from WaPo and most other major broadsheets. A Wall Street Journal editorial before Senate action headlined “A Phony Vote on ‘Net Neutrality’ “ – calling it “anti-Trump ‘resistance…’ “

Overturning the FCC’s ruling remains an uphill struggle, Trump likely an insurmountable hurdle to overcome.

Whatever happens now, the struggle for digital democracy isn’t over. If defeated now, Congress can address the issue legislatively next year or in future years.

Net Neutrality is the last frontier of free and open expression, the most fundamental of rights essential to preserve – not easily achieved in a tyrannical nation at war on freedoms, destroying them with little public attention.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."