
Security Council: Propaganda Platform for US Imperial Interests


Security Council: A Propaganda Platform for US Imperial Interests

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Russian and Chinese Security Council veto power prevents Washington, Britain, France, and their rogue partners from using its platform to legitimize their wars of aggression.

They’re ongoing illegally in multiple theaters, supported by Western media instead of condemning them. 

The power of US and European media could stop the carnage by taking a responsible stand against it, arousing anti-war public sentiment, sustaining it by accurate daily reports of what’s going on.

If mass media were on the side of peace, stability and security, a world safe and fit to live in would be possible. Western aggressor country swords could be turned into plowshares. The threat of humanity destroying nuclear war would fade.

Under the UN Charter, the Security Council’s primary responsibility is maintaining world peace and security.

Because of US rage for endless wars, supported by Britain and France, permanent SC members with veto power, along with Russia and China, the Security Council consistently fails to uphold its mandate.

It fails to challenge threats to peace and acts of aggression - nor does it use its authority to resolve conflicts diplomatically, despite good faith efforts by Russia and other peace-championing nations.

During a Wednesday Security Council session, Russia’s UN envoy Vasily Nebenzia accused Washington of blocking a vote on his country’s draft statement for implementation of ceasefire in Syria, saying:

“The Americans presented (obstructionist) amendments” to block its adoption.

Russia’s statement calls for all parties to the Syrian conflict to pressure armed groups on the ground (US-supported terrorists) to cease hostilities, along with “provid(ing) security (for) humanitarian corridors to enable evacuations (of civilians) from Eastern Ghouta.”

Separately on Wednesday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov called on Western countries to “start with themselves” by complying with SC Res. 2401, mandating a 30-day ceasefire in Syria nationwide.

Instead, Russia and Syria are falsely accused of breaching the resolution - “accusations…made by (nations) who divide the world under a friend-or-foe principles regardless of what their people do and the methods they use. Whether they are terrorists or not, they…remain friends” of these countries, Ryabkov explained.

Addressing SC members on Wednesday, Syria’s UN envoy Bashar al-Jaafari accused the world body of “fail(ing) to implement its Charter and the principles of international law since its inception, which is clearly shown in the Palestinian cause, in addition to other failures in Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia, Grenada…Nicaragua” and his own country.

He slammed the latest UN  monthly report, submitted by the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs.

Like earlier reports, it relies on pro-Western politicized sources, presenting disinformation on Syria, ignoring US-led aggression, including use of terrorists as imperial foot soldiers.

Jaafari called for dissolving the “illegitimate” US-led coalition - terror-bombing Syria, responsible for mass slaughter of civilians and vast destruction.

A statement by Russian military General Staff called humanitarian conditions in parts of Syria under US-led control the worst in the country.

In Eastern Ghouta, Jaafari explained conditions are horrendous because of attacks by al-Nusra and other terrorists on residential areas, holding civilians hostage as human shields, along with preventing them from leaving for safety outside the enclave through humanitarian corridors established by Russia - during daily five-hour humanitarian pauses it instituted.

Truth-telling about what’s going on by world body officials is absent. Its statements on the war are one-sided, failing to call for holding US-led aggressors and their terrorist foot soldiers accountable.

Days earlier, OCHA head Mark Lowcock addressed the issue of besieged Eastern Ghouta residents, saying nothing about US-supported terrorist groups holding them hostage.

Despite their daily shelling of Damascus, he mentioned it only once in a weak-kneed comment, failing to condemn them.

Instead of upholding its Charter principles, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and other key world body officials most often serve US imperial interests - failing to responsibly condemn them.

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].


My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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