
UN Secretary-General Guterrez: Imperial Tool


UN Secretary-General Guterres: Imperial Tool

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Like most of his predecessors, Guterres disgraces the office he holds - supporting US-led imperial aggression, breaching his own UN Charter principles.

In a March 12 oral report to Security Council members on Syria, he highlighted the suffering of its people - saying nothing about US-instigated aggression, supported by its rogue partners.

Addressing SC Resolution 2401 demands for all parties to “cease hostilities without delay, and engage immediately to ensure full and comprehensive implementation…for a durable humanitarian pause for at least 30 consecutive days…throughout Syria,” he said there’s “been no cessation of hostilities.”

He failed to explain why. US terror-bombing of civilians and Turkish aggression continue.

He mainly cited “eastern Ghouta, airstrikes, shelling and ground offensives” - blaming Syrian forces combating US-supported terrorists along with Russia, permitted under Res. 2401.

He ignored East Ghouta civilians held hostage as human shields by terrorists, their daily shelling of Damascus, causing deaths, injuries and destruction.

Noting “egregious violations, indiscriminate attacks, and a failure to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure,” he failed to lay blame where it belongs.

He reported terrorist groups in East Ghouta responsible for continuing atrocities, saying they support “full implementation of Security Council resolutions, especially resolution 2401.”

Their daily actions belie the above, Guterres didn’t explain.

His report was one-sidedly hostile to Damascus and Russia, silent about US responsibility for endless carnage in Syria, along with its imperial partners in high crimes too grave to ignore.

In a separate quarterly report to Security Council members, he disgracefully called for withdrawal of all Hezbollah freedom fighters from Syria.

“The presence of unauthorized weapons (sic) in the hands of Hezbollah remains of serious concern and warrants condemnation,” adding:

“The maintenance of arms outside the control of the state by Hezbollah and other groups continues to restrict the ability of the government of Lebanon to exercise full sovereignty and authority over its territory.” 

“Hezbollah continued to acknowledge publicly that it maintains its military capacity.”

Hezbollah is an elected part of Lebanon’s government. It’s entitled to maintain arms - given its hostile southern neighbor.

Since the early 1980s, Israel raped Lebanon twice, massacring its people, occupying its territory up to the Litani River for years before leaving.

Further Israeli aggression remains an ominous possibility. Hezbollah fighters are aiding Syria combat US-supported terrorists - a noble mission deserving high praise, not condemnation by Guterres or anyone else.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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