
Russophobic Media Maliciousness


Russophobic Media Maliciousness

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Following the Skripal poisoning false flag incident, disgracefully blaming Moscow for what it had nothing to do with, Russophobic media bashing rose to a fever pitch.

UK media especially sound like an echo chamber, reports by the state-controlled BBC, Guardian, Independent, Telegraph, and rest of a sad lot following the same narrative - hostile propaganda replacing truth-telling.

Not to be undone, US media scoundrels are all over this story the same way, disgracefully using it to vilify Russia and Vladimir Putin.

Extremist NYT editors said Britain needs “NATO (to deliver) a powerful response (against Russia), most important by the United States.”

Does it have WW III in mind? Like other media scoundrels, the Times reported the official narrative, truth-telling excluded.

The Times: Trump let “Putin (have) a free hand to meddle in American politics, he cannot ignore yet another attempted murder of a Putin foe on allied soil.”

Both accusations are bald-faced lies. Times editors know it, yet lie anyway, part of their longstanding Russia-bashing.

In its Friday edition, the neocon/CIA house organ Washington took the same hardline stance in three commentaries.

Its editors called for “much more” than “a slap on the wrist,” urging “action,” adding “(w)ith US primary races already underway, time is fast running out to deter (nonexistent) Russian interference.”

Max Boot is a notorious neocon hardliner. In his WaPo commentary, he lied claiming “Russia has been waging war on the West for at least 10 years, and the West hasn’t bothered to notice.”

Fact: Washington and the West have been hostile to Russia for the past century, interrupted by short-term periods of better relations.

The usual litany of Big Lies followed in Boot’s commentary, claiming nonexistent Russian US election meddling, nonexistent Russian involvement in downing MH17, nonexistent Russian annexation of Crimea, nonexistent Russian-attempted coups, and nonexistent “Russian aggression” - all of the above US specialties, not Moscow’s.

Longtime CIA asset David Ignatius maliciously claimed “Putin has finally gone too far,” saying:

His “aggressive use of covert action to settle scores hit an international tripwire after the poisoning of a former Russian spy and his daughter” - calling for responding harshly to what Moscow clearly had nothing to do with.

Expect lots more hostile rubbish like the above from US, UK, and other Western media ahead, along with from hardline Russophobic neocon officials in the West.

Disturbing relations with Moscow reached a new low - risking something much more serious ahead.

When malicious hysteria replaces reason, anything is possible, even the unthinkable.

It’s a time to be very scared, not complacent.

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: (Home - Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].


My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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