Russophobic US Intelligence Community Heads Are Liars
by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)
Accusing Russia of interfering in America’s 2016 presidential election and others is a colossal hoax – cooked up by Obama’s CIA director John Brennan, hired by NBC News to deceive viewers, discussed in an earlier article.
In testimonies before Senate Intelligence Committee members, heads of America’s intelligence community falsely claimed Russia intends interfering in November midterm elections – no evidence cited because none exists.
Russia threatens no one. It doesn’t meddle in the internal affairs of other nations the way Washington does all the time.
Claims otherwise reflect deep-seated Russophobia. Washington considers Russia its main adversary.
Trump’s triumph over media darling Hillary unleashed a firestorm of deep state anti-Trump/anti-Russia/anti-Putin hostility – escalating what began intensely after Donbass freedom fighters rejected US-installed Kiev putschist rule and Crimeans overwhelmingly voted to rejoin Russia.
Putin is vilified for defending his nation’s sovereignty, along with respecting the sovereign rights of all nations, including Syria, Iran and others Washington wants replaced with pro-Western puppet regimes.
America’s intelligence community is hostile to peace, equity and justice. It’s militantly opposed to all sovereign independent nations, especially Russia.
Neocon director of national intelligence Dan Coates lied, telling Senate Intelligence Committee members “the United States is under attack,” adding:
“There should be no doubt that Russia perceives its past efforts as successful and views the 2018 US midterm elections as a potential target for Russian influence operations.”
No “past efforts” in interfering with America’s electoral process occurred – none earlier, none planned, no evidence suggesting otherwise.
CIA, NSA, FBI and other intelligence heads repeated the same Big Lies – Coates claiming without justification that “Russia (will) continue using propaganda, social media, false-flag personas, sympathetic spokespeople, and other means of influence to try to exacerbate social and political fissures in the United States.”
NSA director Mike Rogers turned truth on its head, claiming Russian interference “is not going to change or stop.”
Neocon undemocratic Dem Senator Mark Warner lied, saying “(m)ake no mistake. This threat did not begin in 2016, and it certainly didn’t end with the election,” adding:
“What we are seeing is a continuous assault by Russia to target and undermine our democratic institutions, and they are going to keep coming at us.”
“Despite all of this, the president inconceivably continues to deny the threat posed by Russia. He didn’t increase sanctions on Russia when he had a chance to do so.”
“He hasn’t even tweeted a single concern. This threat demands a whole-of-government response, and that needs to start with leadership at the top.”
Last week from Colombia, Rex Tillerson lied, claiming Russia already is beginning to interfere in this November’s midterm elections.
In Mexico, he falsely warned about Russian interference in its elections scheduled for July. Weeks earlier, neocon CIA director Mike Pompeo lied, claiming Russia will try interfering in US November elections.
Anti-Russia accusations persist without letup – most Americans unaware they’re being lied to.
I’ve stressed numerous time before that no evidence suggests Russian interference in past or upcoming US elections – nor any in other countries.
Claims otherwise are Big Lies.
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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."