Russia’s Futile Aim for US to Calm UK Over Skripal Affair
by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)
Moscow’s embassy in Washington encouraging the Trump administration to cool hostile rhetoric in Britain against the Kremlin over the Skripal affair is well-intended but futile.
The incident followed numerous other false new millennium accusations against the Moscow – during Putin’s tenure as president and prime minister.
Falsely blaming Russia for the Skripal affair occurred ahead of Putin’s certain overwhelming reelection for a fourth term as president – aiming to cut his margin of victory and reduce voter turnout, achieving neither objective.
It was also about changing the subject in Britain. Theresa May’s hold on power is shaky. She could lose to Labor in a new election.
Focusing away from her troubles by the false flag Skripal incident serves her interests, especially with EU and US support for the hoax.
Raging Russophobia in the West makes the Kremlin and Putin easy targets to demonize, most people unaware they’ve been had, going along with what demands condemnation.
Key for May was getting Trump on board. Without his support, her scheme would quickly unravel.
She got what’s needed to give the hoax legs, tough anti-Russia measures announced by Britain, EU countries and Washington, more likely ahead.
Moscow’s embassy in Washington issued the following statement before announced expulsions of Russian diplomats by the US, EU countries and Canada, hoping to curb anti-Russia hysteria over the Skripal incident, saying:
US media “launched another large-scale anti-Russian campaign. Without even a hint of evidence it is stated that Moscow is behind the poisoning of a former British agent Sergei Skripa…and his daughter Yulia, both citizens of the Russian Federation.”
“They have already put all the blame on us while the investigation is still ongoing and the results are yet to be published…”
“(I)t is of utmost importance to calmly and professionally get to the bottom” of what happened.
“(W)e see a unique opportunity for the Washington Administration being the number one ally of Downing-Street” to calm things down in Britain, urging “restraint.”
“The White House still has time to prevent the negative aftermath of this fake story from happening for the sake of all little positivity left in the Russian-American relations.”
“Russia US relations are so multi-layered. Strategic stability of the entire world depends on it. They should not be taken hostage by such clearly staged stories.”
The good faith Russian embassy effort for dealing with the Skripal incident responsibly ignores why it was staged.
It’s the latest Russophobic shoe to drop, a likely joint US/UK false flag, more of the same likely coming.
There’s nothing the Kremlin or its Washington embassy can do to change things – futile to try.
US-led Western hostility in unbending, likely to worsen, not step back from the brink.
It’s more clear evidence that Russia’s future is East, not West.
It also highlights the urgency for Moscow to prioritize national security – given how things are heading toward unthinkable confrontation, a potentially devastating prospect if occurs.
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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."