
Russia’s Foreign Ministry on Syria and Skripal Incident


Russia’s Foreign Ministry on Syria and the Skripal Incident

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (MZ below) explained “(t)he military and political situation in Syria remains very tense.”

Now in its 8th year, US aggression on Syria shows no signs of ending. Russia remains committed to a political solution, along with eliminating ISIS and other US-supported terrorists in the country.

MZ explained Moscow continues to “actively pursue contact with (anti-government) armed groups in order to persuade them to lay down arms…”

Syrian, Russian and allied forces “take all possible measures to minimize civilian casualties and to arrange safe passage for the civilians from the areas controlled by” terrorists, adding:

“The extremists…continue to boycott the humanitarian pauses, and sabotage initiatives on evacuating civilians from combat areas.” 

“The Faylaq ar-Rahman group opened fire on a convoy of civilians who tried to use the Jisrayn-Mlikha corridor, killing a woman and two children. The terrorists also fire artillery and mortars on residential districts of Damascus” - causing deaths, injuries and destruction.

MZ warned Washington about its continued aggression “against the sovereign state of Syria” - a warning falling on deaf ears without forcefully enforcing it, what Russia so far hasn’t done.

Unjustifiable Russia bashing over the poisoning of its former spy/double agent Sergey Skripal with an alleged “Novichok” nerve agent continues.

Moscow intends taking retaliatory measures against Britain for expelling 23 Russian diplomats and other unacceptable hostile actions, MZ explained.

Kremlin efforts to dialogue with Britain on the incident were rebuffed.

Theresa May’s government “refuse(s) to cooperate with Russia (as obligated by) the Chemical Weapons Convention and as an OPCW member state,” said MZ, adding:

“We are extremely concerned over the developments that took place in the UK several days ago.”

“I can officially confirm that as of now, London is refusing to provide any factual information on the case in hand.” 

“The possibility of making samples of the substance discovered at the scene of the crime available to Russia is not even mentioned.” 

“I can also officially confirm that London has failed to provide Russia any details, data or information capable of shedding at least some light on this tragedy either through bilateral channels or at international organizations.”

Britain and its key Western partners are waging a politically motivated anti-Russia disinformation campaign.

It’s using the UN Security Council, fabricated media reports and other methods to stoke “anti-Russia hysteria,” MZ stressed.

Britain, complicit with Washington and other Western nations, are treading on dangerous ground.

Their unacceptable accusations wrecked relations with Russia - not correctable as long as disgraceful hostility toward the country continues.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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