
Two Russian Nationals Wrongfully Blamed for US/UK False Flag Skripal Incident


Two Russian Nationals Wrongfully Blamed for US/UK False Flag Skripal Incident

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Russia had nothing to do with whatever harmed Sergey and Yulia Skripal last March - an indisputable fact.

The Kremlin had no motive for wanting them harmed, nothing to gain from the incident - falsely called novichok poisoning, the substance able to kill anyone exposed to a minute amount in minutes.

The Skripals are alive, well, and secluded incommunicado by UK authorities, likely against their will to prevent them from revealing vital information about what happened to them, the Trump and Theresa May regimes want suppressed.

They had clear motives and opportunities to stage last March’s incident at a time and place of their choosing.

On Wednesday, May lied naming alleged Russian military intelligence (GRU) officials Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshiro responsible for poisoning father and daughter Skripal.

She falsely claimed they traveled to London from Moscow under names UK police believe to be aliases - arriving on March 2, leaving on the 4th, the day after the incident, her account a concocted Big Lie.

A European arrest warrant was issued for two individuals who may not exist. No evidence suggests any Russian nationals connected to Vladimir Putin’s government had anything to do with poisoning the Skripals.

May lied claiming the incident was “almost certainly” approved “at a senior level of the Russian state.”

What happened was a colossal hoax. A previous article said no respectable journalist or commentator would associate his or her name with a fantasy version of what happened like the above - the stuff implausible Hollywood grade B films are made of, attracting gullible viewers alone.

The official narrative changed numerous times from March 4 to now - from the Skripals poisoned while eating lunch, to Yulia unwittingly transporting novichok in her luggage, to a nerve agent smeared on Sergey’s car handle, to poisoning by aerosolized novichok, to unnamed assassins, to naming two alleged GRU agents who may not exist.

No Russian hitmen were involved in harming the Skripals. No incriminating evidence suggests it, just fabricated accusations like numerous others against the Kremlin.

On Wednesday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said names and photos released by the May regime are meaningless deception - “tell(ing) us nothing” because there’s nothing to tell but bald-faced lies.

A Foreign Ministry statement said “the so-called ‘Skripal affair’ and the incident of poisoning two British subjects in Amesbury has an absolutely unacceptable tone, and contains a number of categorical accusations against the Russian Federation and (its nationals). We strongly reject these insinuations.”

The May regime stonewalled Russia since the incident occurred six months ago, refusing to cooperate with Moscow to get to the bottom of what happened.

Following Wednesday’s accusations, the May regime refused to provide Russia with any information about the alleged Russian agents charged.

Russian lower House State Duma security and anti-corruption committee member/former Russian federal security agency (FSB) head Nikolai Kovalyvov said the “GRU has its concrete tasks…identification of a military threat coming from this or that country with the aim to enable the government ward off this threat,” adding:

“Assassinations or revenge against, say, traitors, by no means belong with this list. The point of departure is absolutely wrong and it is very sad some European counties and the United States have joined the affair without any arguments.”

“There must be hard facts to rely on. Russia by no means benefits from the attempt on the Skripals’ lives. It had nothing to do with it.” 

“The Foreign Ministry and the country’s leadership have said this more than once. Nothing fits in.” 

“Where are you keeping the Skripals,” Kovalyov asked the May regime? “Let the world see them. Do they really believe that GRU is behind this assassination attempt?”

Since the March 4 incident occurred, the May regime made numerous false accusations against Russia, no evidence revealed proving anything.

Imperial states and their partnered countries have disturbing histories of accusing others for their high crimes. False flags are a Western tradition.

Washington and Britain are so hellbent for regime change in Russia by demonizing, weakening, and isolating the country, they risk serious consequences if things continue on their present course - possible unthinkable East/West confrontation.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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