Russian Foreign Ministry on Syria, Venezuela and Cuba
by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (MZ below) called conditions in Syria “stable” – despite endless US war, including its support for ISIS, al-Nusra, and other jihadists, wanting Assad toppled, its objective unchanged.
MZ explained that the situation in Idlib province’s de-escalation zone (in name only) “is especially alarming,” saying:
It’s infested with al-Nusra and other terrorists, MZ failing to explain they’re supported by the US and Turkey. Ruling regimes in both countries pretend otherwise.
Jihadists use territory they control as platforms for attacking Syrian soldiers and civilians. The only solution is what Moscow refrains from taking – a campaign to eliminate them, similar to the liberation of Aleppo and other parts of the country, what its aerial operations were actively involved in.
Turkey’s Erdogan flagrantly breached his Sochi agreement with Russia and Iran, Moscow failing to hold his feet to the fire – or accepting reality that he’s hostile to Syria’s liberation, wanting northern parts of the country illegally annexed.
US-supported so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) pretend to be fighting ISIS. They’re an anti-democratic force hostile to Syria’s liberation formed by the US, used as a proxy force for regime change.
MZ pretends that the so-called “international coalition”
(comprised almost entirely of the US with a little help from Britain and France) “is conducting counterterrorism operations” in Syria.
These countries and their allies, notably Israel, the Saudis and UAE, support the scourge they pretend to oppose, ISIS and other jihadists used as imperial foot soldiers.
The US continues holding tens of thousands of Syrian civilians hostage in the country’s Rukban and al-Hol refugee camps, infested with ISIS and other terrorists, using the camps to recruit more jihadists, including young children, threats of starvation and death the main US recruiting tools.
Hundreds, maybe thousands, have died for lack of food, water, and/or medical care for illnesses or injuries. Western media ignore what’s going on, supporting US-led aggression instead of denouncing it.
Commenting on the Trump regime’s coup plot in Venezuela, MZ explained that so-called US “humanitarian aid” included unsafe to use “outdated food products and medication, as well as barbed wire and building material for barricades.”
Usurper in waiting Guaido was secretly helicoptered cross-border to Colombia. After US-arranged meetings with anti-Bolivarian leaders, he returned home to great media fanfare.
Maduro failed to order his arrest on multiple counts – for sedition and/or treason, as well as violating Venezuela’s Supreme Court-ordered travel ban.
MZ: “The show (went on) in the presence of camera crews. Let’s not try and guess how this staged show will develop, but, of course, it will not last forever” – Guaido hopefully to end up behind bars where he belongs, guilty of the highest of high political crimes, betraying his nation and its people.
Despite strong opposition from regional leaders to US military intervention, anything is possible ahead with lunatic fringe figures like Pompeo, Bolton and Abrams in charge of Trump’s regime change plot.
MZ: The US is likely “train(ing) illegal paramilitary units” for use as imperial proxies against the Bolivarian Republic “where they would conduct subversive activity and acts of sabotage and to create hotbeds of resistance,” adding:
“The country might eventually plunge into a large-scale domestic armed conflict” – a Contra-type war creating endless violence and chaos, Colombia and Brazil likely co-conspirators in the scheme.
“It appears that subversive activities are now underway. The leaders of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela are openly talking about the radical opposition’s plans to conduct acts of sabotage in the country with foreign support.”
Cyberattacking Venezuela’s power grid is one example of likely many more disruptive tactics to follow. Expect sanctions war to escalate ahead.
Trump regime hardliners threatened reprisals against nations continuing entirely legal relations with Caracas.
MZ failed to explain whether Russia intends aiding its Venezuelan ally beyond rhetorical support. That’s what allies are supposed to be all about – helping them in their time of duress when it’s most needed.
The Trump regime threatened toughness on Cuba, falsely calling its exemplary government among the “last dictatorships in the region,” along with ludicrously accusing Havana of undermining democracy in Venezuela.
The Bolivarian Republic, Cuba, and Nicaragua are on Trump’s regional target list for regime change, nations Bolton turned truth on its head last November calling a “troika of tyranny,” saying:
These countries represent what he called “the perils of poisonous ideologies left unchecked, and the dangers of domination and suppression,” adding:
“The troika of tyranny in this hemisphere…has finally met its match.” The Trump regime’s priority is to “unmask and tell the untold story about the very real and factual story of Cuban involvement in Venezuela.”
From inception, Bolivarian Republic relations with Cuba were embraced, both nations aiding each other politically and economically – including against US dark forces, wanting fascist tyranny replacing their sovereign independence.
There’s nothing illegitimate or sinister about their relations, an important alliance – polar opposite how Washington seeks dominance over all other nations, forcefully if other methods fail.
Venezuela and Cuba have mutually beneficial ties with Russia and China, angering Trump regime hardliners, making their regime change plans harder.
They want Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua “seal(ed) off…economically” and financially, their legitimate governments toppled, the US gaining more imperial trophies.
They’re “ implementing a regime change policy in Latin America by interfering in their internal affairs and using diktat in the spirit of Monroe Doctrine,” said MZ, adding:
“(I)n the modern realities, its employment or even a mere reference to it” fragrantly violate core international law principles.
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