
Russia Vows to Keep Combating Terrorism in Syria Until Eliminated


Russia Vows to Keep Combating Terrorism in Syria Until Eliminated

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Washington in cahoots with NATO, Israel, and their imperial partners bear full responsibility for naked aggression in Syria.

War rages in its 8th year with no prospect for resolution any time soon - because Trump and Netanyahu regime hardliners want it continued endlessly to replace Syria’s legitimate government with pro-Western puppet rule.

Russia is committed to eliminate the scourge of terrorism in the country Washington and its imperial partners support.

On Wednesday, its Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova minced no words, saying:

“We consider it Russia’s duty to strictly adhere to (deescalation) agreements, and it will continue the fight against terrorists until their ultimate and total elimination,” adding:

“The Russian Aerospace Forces are conducting strikes on Idlib not for ‘aggressive’ purposes, but for exterminating terrorist objects that are used in the increasing attacks on the Syrian army’s positions and the civilian population, as well as in the attacks on the Russian military, whose presence in Syria is requested by the lawful government of the country.”

Moscow will “continue to act in this way in the future,” working with its allies to liberate Syria entirely from its terrorist scourge, along with preserving the country’s territorial integrity.

Liberating Idlib province is the next major objective. Failing to achieve it will let US-supported terrorists continue to hold “millions of people hostage in Idlib…indefinitely, and it is unacceptable.”

“There can be no peace with the terrorists. Al-Qaeda in Idlib cannot be allowed the opportunity to export terror across the region and the whole world, while remaining in safety. The global threat in northwestern Syria must be eliminated.”

On Tuesday, Russian aerial operations began striking US-supported terrorists infesting Idlib. Syrian ground operations to liberate the province are ready to be launched once ordered.

According to Syrian MP Omer Asi, “(g)overnment troops are making final preparations with reinforcements and military equipment being sent from Damascus, Aleppo and Hama to the Idlib region.”

“They are waiting orders to launch an offensive. The Syrian armed forces are determined to liberate Idlib from terrorists, and we are sure that it will certainly (happen) in the near future.”

A large-scale offensive could begin any time. Thousands of heavily armed government forces are positioned to strike, aided by Russian airpower, the offensive likely to begin after Putin, Erdogan, and Iranian President Rouhani meet in Tabriz, Iran on Friday - their third tripartite summit on Syria. 

Putin and Rouhani are allied on defeating US-supported terrorists and achieving conflict resolution, Erdogan the outlier, partnered with Washington against Assad, supporting ISIS and other terrorists, not part of the struggle to eliminate them.

Russia, Iran and Hezbollah are allied with Assad in the struggle to liberate Syria entirely from their scourge.

A Final Comment

According to AMN News, Russian aerial operations pounded US-supported terrorists in Idlib for the second straight day, striking their positions along the Turkish border in Jisr Al-Shughour district - focusing on disrupting their main supply route.

“With the Syrian Arab army preparing an offensive in (Idlib), the Russian Air Force…intensified (its) aerial campaign against the jihadist rebels,” AMN News explained.

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