
Russia Prevents US GMO Dictatorship Over Global Food Production


Russia Prevents US GMO Dictatorship Over Global Food Production

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Henry Kissinger once notoriously said: “Control oil and you control nations. Control food and you control people.”

GMO foods and ingredients are hazardous to human health. Evidence media scoundrels refuse to report prove it.

In 2003, Jeffrey Smith’s “Seeds of Deception” exposed the dangers of unregulated genetically engineered foods most people eat with no knowledge of the potential health risks. 

Efforts to inform the public are suppressed, reliable science about what’s inherently unsafe for human or animal consumption buried.

Independent studies prove it. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) reported “animal studies indicat(ing) health risks associated with GM foods.”

Hazards include numerous illnesses, infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, faulty insulin regulation, gastrointestinal abnormalities, and major organ changes.

AAEM urged physicians to tell patients to avoid GMOs. Unlike clinical drug evaluations, none are conducted on these products.


Despite known hazards to human health, no US legislation regulates GM foods and ingredients.

Americans are human guinea pigs without knowing it - part of an unregulated mass experiment, entailing enormous risks.

Russia responsibly banned GMO foods and ingredients. Earlier Russian legislation required strict labeling of products containing them.

Its current legislation states: “Growing plants and animals, whose genetic program is changed with methods of genetic engineering and who contain genetically engineered material that cannot be a result of natural processes, is banned except for growing such plants and animals while conducting evaluations as well as for research and development.”

Putin wants Russian agriculture to become the world’s largest supplier of organic foods. As demand for these products grows, so will Russia’s export potential.

Russian media report on GMO hazards to human health, a major issue ignored in the West, especially in America, nothing reported about the dangers of consuming these products and ingredients.

In February, an Iowa State University study revealed reports by RT and Sputnik News “have a clearly negative impact on the industry in the US and put Russia in a prime position” - because its GMO-free foods are safe to eat.

GMO-infested US food products are hazardous to human health, an obstacle to its agribusiness establishing a chokehold over world markets.

Over 80% of processed foods US consumers eat contain GMOs. So are corn, rice, soybeans, vegetable oils, soft drinks, salad dressings, some fruits and vegetables, some dairy products and eggs, meats and other animal products, even infant formula, and popular foods like ice cream, tomato sauce, peanut butter and jellies, breakfast cereals, cakes and cookies.

Agribusiness giants want control over what people eat, no matter how unsafe. Russians are well informed. Polls show over 80% consider GMOs harmful to human health.

Promoted by the US Department of Agriculture, Commerce Department, State Department, USAID and other federal agencies, Monsanto, DowDupont, and other US agribusiness giants aim to establish a stranglehold over what people eat.

GMO-free Russia stands in their way, another reason for US-led Western hostility toward the country.

In America, US legislation called the Monsanto Protection Act grants the company and other US agribusiness giants immunity from prosecution - an irresponsible action by the Obama administration.

Russia is on the right side of history for banning GMOs, along with moving more toward producing beneficial to health organic foods.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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