
Russia Condemns Israeli Violence in Gaza – US Condones It


Russia Condemns Israeli Violence in Gaza - US Condones It

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

A statement by Russia’s Foreign Ministry said the following:

“We express our sincere condolences to the relatives of the killed Palestinians, wish a quick recovery to those injured at the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel.” 

“We strongly condemn the indiscriminate use of violence against the civilians.”

America condoned what all civilized nations denounced. The US blocked a Security Council statement, calling for an independent investigation into Israeli violence.

All SC member states supported it, Washington alone opposed. America and Israel partner in each other’s high crimes, including naked aggression against sovereign independent states, along with longstanding persecution of occupied Palestinians.

On Sunday, PLO Executive Committee member Hanan Ashwari condemned US Security Council obstructionism, accusing Washington of complicity with Israeli brutality, adding:

“The Israeli army used unbridled violence, unleashing more than 100 snipers and firing live ammunition, teargas and rubber-coated steel bullets against the protestors before the very eyes of the entire international community.” 

“Yet, the UN Security Council failed to agree on a statement condemning the egregious violations that occurred at the hands of Israel.”

“It is time for the international system to adopt punitive measures and sanctions against Israel in relation to the occupation.” 

“Furthermore, the International Criminal Court is called upon to speed up its investigation and to undertake concrete steps in this context.”

Ahead of Friday’s violence, continuing on Saturday and Sunday with scores more Palestinians wounded by live fire and other IDF violence, Israeli military intelligence-connected DebkaFILE lied, claiming:

“Hamas is sending infiltrators to demonstrate how easy it is to breach the border and enter Israel…(its) two-track strategy for determining when to use the momentum of the ‘protest’ to send through terrorists for attacks on Israeli communities and Israel border guard posts.”

The above remarks are bald-faced lies! Hamas poses no threat to Israel. 

It never launched preemptive attacks on its territory, earlier responding to repeated IDF provocations initiated ahead of summer 2014 naked aggression on the Strip.

On Sunday, Ziofascist Israeli defense minister Avigdor Lieberman said Israel won’t hold or cooperate with any investigation into IDF use of force against defenseless Gazans - threatening increased violence if demonstrations continue.

He lied claiming “90% of the protesters, and their families, were paid by Hamas.”

On Saturday, the Palestinian Health Ministry said 16 Gazans were killed since demonstrations began on Friday, another 1,479 wounded, 805 Gazans shot with live fire, others injured by rubber-coated steel bullets, toxic tear gas, burns, cuts and bruises.

On Sunday from pre-dawn until noon local time, 100 more Palestinians were injured, many from live fire.

On March 31, West Bank and East Jerusalem Palestinians observed a general strike, part of a national day of mourning for massacred Gazans.

Most shops and other businesses observed it. So did schools and universities, suspending classes.

Israeli violence continues unabated. How many more Palestinians die, be wounded, or otherwise brutalized while the world community sits on its hands, doing nothing to stop the carnage.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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