
Russia Challenges the Trump Regime on Venezuela


Russia Challenges the Trump Regime on Venezuela

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

On Wednesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said “build(ing) foreign policy around relations with the United States…the European Union or NATO…risk(s) ending up in a situation where you will be punished, which is what we are now witnessing,” adding:

Moscow “want(s) a ‘belt of neighborliness’ around us, not military bloc infrastructure, the doctrinal tenets of which have deterrence of Russia as the main, if not the only, rationale for their existence, as is the case with NATO expansion.”

Its member states and partners are encroaching on Russia’s borders, posing an existential threat to the nation’s security.

“We want a world order based on international law…so as to be able to develop our business and economic relations with foreign countries, or investment, so that no one dares to run from government to government of the countries with which we enjoy positive relations and demand that they kick out Russian investors,” said Lavrov.

On Venezuela, he stressed that “we don’t accept” US interference in its internal affairs, calling it “arrogant, great power behavior,” adding:

“This deliberate anything-goes policy is not limited to Venezuela. Nicaragua and Cuba are said to be next in line, so this may happen to any other country whose…government is disliked by Washington.” 

“What about coarse statements to the effect that countries beyond the Western Hemisphere should not have any interests there? And what is the US doing? Look at the map of its military bases and you will see that the whole world is dotted with them. Meanwhile, each of them poses serious risks.”

The Trump regime’s attempt to topple Maduro “shatter(s) the foundations of international law,” how the US operates globally, by its own rules alone.

Based on a bilateral 2001 agreement, Russia is involved with Venezuela cooperatively, a mutually beneficial alliance US acceptable demands to leave the country won’t change.

On Thursday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stressed there’s consensus in Latin and Central America against US use of military force in Venezuela, adding:

There’s “no alternative to a peaceful approach to resolving the crisis in Venezuela, and support the right of the people of that country to decide their future themselves.”

“As for relations between Russia and Venezuela, they are (entirely legal and) dynamic, despite various planted and fabricated news items and other speculation.”

Mutual cooperation between both countries continues. US calls for Russian personnel to leave Venezuela were rejected.

In Moscow, Russian and Venezuelan officials are discussing deepening bilateral ties. Most important, they’re devising ways of countering illegal US sanctions war, wanting the Bolivarian Republic isolated, its economy crushed, its people immiserated while pretending concern for their welfare.

According to Venezuela’s Vice President and Minister of Planning Ricardo Menendez, “(a)long with President Nicolas Maduro and Vice President of the Economic Sector Tareck Aissami, we’ve been working and distributing a scheme as part of the reorganization of the productive and economic system of Venezuela.” 

“This includes the reorganization of the countries from which we import supplies. This means that we will change our suppliers from the international markets.”

Both countries are working on ways to increase Venezuelan oil exports, imports of food and medicines, along with protecting the nation’s electrical grid and other infrastructure from further US sabotage.

Both countries intend deepening cooperation on science and technology, aerospace, defense, agriculture, electricity, oil, industrial development, and other areas of Venezuela’s economy.

According to state oil company PDVSA, its exports stabilized in March at around one million barrels daily - India, China and Singapore the key buyers, along with Russia’s Rosneft, buying it for resale. 

Exports to European nations declined from 22% of total volume in February to 17% in March. No exports to the US were made because of sanctions and its illegal takeover of PDVSA’s CITGO subsidiary.

A Final Comment:

On April 4, the State Department issued what it called a “security alert” on Venezuela for US nationals in the country. Despite no concerns for their safety, it said the following:

“Depart while commercial flights are available. If choosing to stay, ensure you have adequate supplies to shelter in place.”

“Avoid demonstrations and large gatherings. Monitor local media for updates. Review personal security plans.”

“Remain aware of surroundings.

Review complete travel advisory for Venezuela. For further information, visit Venezuela unrest information page on State.Gov.”

The alert cited electrical outages and other disruptions of normal activities. It was silent about US responsibility for sabotaging Venezuela’s electricity grid multiple times.

The State Department lied, falsely claiming “many hospitals are unable to provide emergency services due to current conditions.”

When blackouts occurred, generators installed in all hospitals were automatically activated, restoring power immediately.

The Trump regime bears full responsibility for waging war on Venezuela by other means - its coup plot so far foiled.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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