
Right-Wing Regimes Support US Attempted Coup in Venezuela


Right-Wing Regimes Support US Attempted Coup in Venezuela

by Stephen Lendman ( - Home - Stephen Lendman)

Italy vetoed EU recognition of US-designated puppet Juan Guaido as interim Venezuelan president, preventing the body from formally supporting him.

Separately, around half of EU member states formally endorsed  him, ignoring his illegitimacy, including Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, and Austria, among others - taking orders from Washington, saluting and obeying.

The same goes for 11 of 13 so-called Lima Group countries - Canada, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay and Peru, Mexico and Guyana not joining their anti-Venezuela communique. 

Formed in August 2017, the group is an artificial, likely CIA created, construct with no international legitimacy, comprised of right-wing Latin and Central Americans countries along with Canada.

It was formed “to address the critical situation in Venezuela and explore ways to contribute to the restoration of democracy in that country through a peaceful and negotiated solution,” according to the US-approved “Declaration of Lima.”

In early January, their foreign ministers were addressed by Mike Pompeo via video conference, receiving their marching orders. Commenting on the meeting, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza tweeted the following:

“What we have said since the creation of this group of governments joined against Venezuela, to which the US, in theory, does not belong: they meet to receive orders from @realDonaldTrump through @SecPompeo. What a humiliating display of subordination.”

Their ruling regimes are largely puppets, controlled by puppet master Washington, opposing democratic governance they pretend to support.

On Monday in Ottawa, 11 of the 13 members states issued a 17-point declaration on Venezuela, backing wannabe usurper Guaido, demanding democratically elected Maduro step down, supporting US-orchestrated tyranny over democratic governance, calling on Venezuela’s military to back the coup attempt.

Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland said “(w)e are indeed calling on the military of Venezuela, as we call on all Venezuelans, as we call on all governments of the world, to recognize Juan Guaido as interim president of Venezuela” - because the Trump regime demands it, she failed to explain.

The group supports measures preventing Maduro’s government “from conducting financial and trade transactions abroad, from having access to Venezuela's international assets and from doing business in oil, gold and other assets.” 

It suspended military cooperation with Caracas. It banned “high-level Venezuelan officials from entering the territory of Lima Group members.”

Addressing the group by video conference from Caracas, Guaido recited the lines written for him by Washington, turning truth on its head saying “we are still under a dictatorship at the moment. That is why it is time to increase pressure.”

The Monday meeting was interrupted by protesters shouting “hands off Venezuela,” supporting Maduro’s legitimacy, denouncing the Trump regime’s attempt to topple him, shamefully endorsed by most Lima Group members and at least a dozen EU countries - operating like US colonies.

Maduro slammed the declaration, calling it “ridiculous,” adding “(w)e do not know whether to laugh or vomit…I am absolutely convinced that we will win in this battle.”

“We will win against the Lima cartel. I am convinced that we will win in diplomacy and politics. At least 10 million Venezuelans will sign (a letter) to the White House, insisting on respect” for the nation’s sovereignty and democratically elected government.

During a Monday address at a Day of National Dignity commemoration, he said the following:

“I swear, 27 years after the awakening of our country, that I will be loyal now and forever with dreams of independence and dignity. I swear that I will defend this threatened country with my life and will give peace and victory to the people.”

“We are never going to give up our country. We will never surrender the republic toYankee imperialism or any others that try to step upon this soil disrespectfully. This town will never surrender. It is the land of Bolivar.”

Calling on Venezuelans to stand firm “in permanent demonstration of conscience,” he said “(w)e are subjected to a great psychological war, every day and every night.”

He called on the people of Venezuela to maintain “nerves of steel, calm and sanity, moral strength, conscience and demonstration to fulfill your role and mission.”

He’s the nation’s democratically elected leader. Usurper Guaido, a US puppet, a traitor, has no legitimacy.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

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